

Desire Dynamics - Now now, energetic, evanescent iStates identified, in the present.
Mi~iMind uses Mi~iWitness, the smartest iState in a human Me~Mind, living one time forward lifetime, to make the iStates for Me to be present

Beta Product Development will focus upon system design in relationship with use case discovery and agile development of professional knowledge applications implimenting process purposes using EmptiSelf conceptions.

Three key areas will include

  • Mi~iWitness

tracing in a Me~Mind from the attention in the present, making 'Willing To Know Now' iStates

  • Post Graduate Doctorial integrity
  • Servant Leadership using MIndful 1st self conception
  • Superior recollective processing of continuously emergent human knowledge
  • AI interface integrety management and development that includes the knowable unameables and effortless disabuse
  • Winnowing errors from present recollective reasoning effotlessly in professional knowledge roles, using ground up clear core evanescent iStates
  • Understanding 'Ideal Attitudes' as a function in the present for an empty ontology.

, why not focus upon removing human suffering from the start? These are professional tools that can be used to develop public interventions they are not provided for personal use that is not in the context of developing the iSelfMentor programs.


  • Culture Free, EmptiSelf Conception
  • Pesistent Process Orientated iStates and Desire Profiles
  • Willing To Know Agile Teams
  • Interdisciplinary Synergies
  • Winnowing Errors using Mi~iWitness
  • Process Purposes and Positive Present Participation
  • Mi~iWitness calibration and threshold management
  • Include knowable unameable using null state awareness
  • AI Ready - Explain willing to know now iStates and how to support them, Explain the unique organic access a capable human mind has to the strange loop and the wavelenght in the light line.
  • Internally bound iStates and iRole iState synthesis and synergies
  • Compassionate awareness enables effortless errot consumption
  • Present Process Purposes in the form Positive Present Participation
  • Manifold infinities may be included using self traceable symmetries from within
  • Lived experience awareness is captured using ground up flattened hierarchies
  • Winnowing made easy using present questions
  • Ideal Attitude Management using Mi~iWithness and Desire Profiles
  • Applying professionally first
  • iRole profiles
  • Agile Teams Of 10
  • User message system
  • Advanced menu management
  • Advance User and Group management
  • Content and feature access control and permission system.
  • Search engine
  • External authentication support (LDAP, OpenID, etc.)

Solutions "Out of the Box" 

To get you going quickly you can select from a list of profiles. Tiki will then be configured correctly for you to start using it immediately. This will save you a lot of time and also allows you to share the details of successful configurations.
Examples of this powerful profile feature include:

  • Corporate Wiki / Intranet / Extranet
  • Corporate website
  • Knowledge base / Bug tracker
  • Project management
  • Community portal
  • Workflow and specialized web applications
  • Application forms
  • Multilingual collaborative glossary
  • More are being added to this list, in a completely innovative, open and collaborative manner. To read more about this exciting new feature of Tiki visit http://profiles.tiki.org

Tech Specs 

Designed to be run easily on readily available web hosting technology. Tiki is built using following technologies, chosen to provide a powerful and proven foundation for the system:

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Zend Framework
  • jQuery
  • Smarty

Early Phase Prototypes for 2024/5

 No articles yet.

While the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge solutions involove up to date complexity science and mindful 1st Emptiself conceptions the beginning to the quest for knowledge in the present of any Me~Mind begins with creating willing awareness of the present identification in relationship with emergent knowledge flow.

The solutions provided involve mathematical modeling which opens new capacity for tracing the knowable unnameable awareness that is available in a capable human Me~Mind living interdependantly embodied one time forward lifetime using the Mi~iWitness processing framework that involves awareness of lived experiences in direct relationship with simple ground up feeback loops winnowed of systemic errors of conception caused by subject object habituation in hoi polloi self limiting identifications. Language is a blunt instrument when it comes to self reflection and recollective reasoning. Truth is indifferent to our wilful ignorance, imagining that there is a need for something other than our access to the universal to leverage our presence here in this cohesion is absurd and born of the misconception of embodied self conception as some how fundementally isolated an absurdity made obvious by the breath we breath, the hubris it takes to imagine this absurdity as a valid beginning for an aunthentic present identity belies the conflation of self conception with meaning conflated with feelings, The history of the development of this wilful delusion is well mapped in Jeorge Ferrers outling of a need for a paritcipatory turn and Mi~iMind solutions are enlivened by the particpatory nature of the present in any one time forward lifetime.

It can be helpful when trying to grasp the concepts before understanding the paradigm which will change the perspectives available withing the conceptions, to think of hoi polloi every iStates of identification as a type of Male energy insofar as it is full and identified will in the Me~Mind of the present. Essentially it is the nature of willed attention that organizes the enargy in the present identification and the development of the understanding of the EmptiSelf conception that provides a way to mother the present using empty receptive paving in the present for new evanescent clear core iStates.

Winnowing obvious errors from present identifications in the present of capable human Me~Minds to create space in the present enables simple practice.