

Free The Will To Know Now

Make Evanescent iStates that can be Me

If we awake in a life where we have the freedom to be Me then for some the capacity to make evanescent iStates that can accomadate the emergence of an ever better iNow iState in me is possible. Hoi Polloi istates and the self conceptions derived using them are bound to self limiting awareness where feelings are conflated as meanings and linear impremature provide status in local dominent logics, whether the group is difined by membership of sought after xBeta capa the norms of the social group is always small men among small things.

Manifesting space in the present of one time forward lifetime to follow the flow of the continuously emergent human knowledge. Delight in a new now in every new evanescent iState

Professional knowledge roles can delight in error discovery effortlessly eschew emotional attachments to sunken values debunked by deontic and inferential reasoning.

White anglophile men have culturally dominated the past few centuries and like any group who were convinced using natural language and passion in relationship with a story of soul and innate divinity and like the latins and Greeks before them emotionally tumescent exquisite human experiences has unhinged their desires from reasons guidance. The facts of the matter are that the myth of their givens came from oral traditions soaked in contradictions, in downward looking holons creating caves for the hoi polloi bound self conceptions bound to confinement and ecstasy as any group who were given that role would have most likely done. To argue that if it had been a different gender or race the arrogance born of wilful ignorance would have been different is at best an argument about the flavour at the gluttonous feast, Dionisius could have been androgynous and the cruelty and oppression of Non-U would have been just as sure.

When we see other groups behaviour we see our species Trump, Johnson. Putin are versions of Nixon Johnson Kennedy and they were all so sure they were right. Either we follow the knowledge or we do not, if we do not we cannot aspire to rationally guided judgement, which would mean we are wilfully primitive not users of sapient insights however incomplete.

We as human beings split into minor groups who agree upon the meaning of a rainbow although no two people see the same rainbow and care about what we care about imagine that this reason free existence is what it is to be human, while simultaneously claiming that our capacity to process and use emergent knowledge is what sets our species apart belies the shallowness of the story that fakes consistency to maintain a congruent authenticity.

Without the mathematics we could not plot the pathways of the Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime from the inside out we would continue to need to use the I from the sea of we that like the stick that appears bent in the water never visible from outside the water and the stick.

Enabling the capacity to effortlessly follow the emergent knowledge flow in an embodied human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. The persona bound to human exceptionalism is eschewed as a viable ontology for the opening the present for better understanding using wise will awareness in a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

The wilful corruption of emergent knowledge flow is the core behaviour that is called repression and suppression in western psychology and the use of cognitive dissonance during recollective reasoning embeds absurdity into beliefs that are mirrored back to neurotic patients in therapy as part of the set 'That's ok too!', in the Mi~iMind solutions this is not ok, which makes Mi~iMind unsuitable for human Beings suffering in isolated neurotic self conceptions which are systemically bound to realities where nihilism is experienced even in circumstances where the previously viewed reality is shown to have never been the case.

It is easy to imagine oneself ahead of or behind fashionable views among the hoi polloi norms, for society the equilibrium is caught in the physiology that flows energetically between individuals where inner substance arises as a result of recognition from the outside in, an absurd concoction of inevitable hyporacy suspended in the absurdity of cognitive dissonace creating everyday realities, do not be surprised if children presented with this absurdity chose likes as fodder for self esteem.

It is perfectly feasible to have self conception that does not depend upon self esteem, pride or shame except we don't know how to get it to work as a consumer.

The new dialectic that is about to happen between AI and humanity requires humans who are willing to understand the implications of the emergent knoweldge, without resistance from emotionally bound knowledge distorting self conceptions. We must stop asking why our parents did not do it and begin to see how it can be done now if we use simple solutions in this complex system to begin to self author using a mothering of the will to know in the present.

In an embodied human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime there are knowable unameable iStates. The linear syntax of natural language belies the limits of natural language as a tool in a dynamic unfolding of understaning in the present of one time forwardlifetime.

At the core of the recollective processing in a human Me~Mind the information flowing through feelings conflated with localized anaphoric meanings is overtly and covertly polluting the flow with systemically imputed meanings in the form of believings and other sunken values that sumetimes hinge upon an instinctive 'Yuck' response or self deluding shadenfreude, where the idea that satisfaction lies in others suffering.

As long as we humans fail to allow the knowledge to flow the AI will create holon structures that will be systemically resistant to manifold infinities that we as humans have access to because we have organic wisdom that AI could potentially free for use.

the meaninglessness of human feelings belies the conflation of

Understanding the embedded anthropomorphic error caused by the instramental personal I, with a self conception that uses self esteem derived from social holon networks and structures.

The 'I' from us arises prior to the birth in the present of a new human Me~Mind. The Me~Mind meets another country in the form of the birth tribe and social culture and in the present the emergent knowledge flows through the sunken values embedded in the system and the culture.

Right Liveliehood must be available in the first world for people who want to follow the knowledge flow willingly.

Human Knowledge Professionals using hoi polloi, persona derived self conception with natural language for internal referencing are limiting the flow of knowledge in their work and cannot reliably calibrate their own progress, willingness to know.

Interdependent embodied, Human Me~Minds living one time forward lifetime require the most effective and up to date methods for processing emergent knowledge. In any capable Me~Mind now offers more unerstanding than the past and some hoi polli iStates hide bound our ancestors capacity to process new knowledge.
can learn and undersand more from lived experience, nearer to now using EmptiSelf conception with evanescent iStates.
best methods for processing continuously emergent knowledge in the present.

Medieval self conceptions that have morphed into Psychoanalytic models confine and limit the potential for processing in a capable human Me~Mind using active repression and suppression to maintain their systemic consitency. The Me~Mind living the one time forward lifetime in the present came first, the words came some time later, there is an interdependent Me~Mind that is alway more than my hoi polloi iMind can meet in my I.
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If a human Me~Mind living one time foreward lifetime never steps into the same iState twice, mothering now is where Mi#~iMind begins.

Right livliehood is what the Buddhists might call the professional profile used with the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge solutions. The Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions synthesis the Doubtless Self that emerges in capable human Me~Minds who understand the 2 truths and the deontic necessities that flow upstream and downstream of that understanding of EmptiSelf conception. Mi~iMind provides a framework that utilizes complexity solutions to create a cogent set of evanescent iStates that remove the linguistic limitiations for signifying self conception during reflection in a human Me~Mind living one time foreward lifetime.

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The manifold vision that includes symmetries that may be known and not named requires the holon bound hoi polloi iStates to yield before they may be in a capable Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. The obsticles to knowledge that are created dynamically by hoi polloi iStates when used as first cause are self limiting systemically imputed identities with linear sunken values.

Using process purposes to divine ideal attitudes to create positive present participation requires a self conception paradigm shift that can manage from the ground of EmptiSelf conception, using clear core ground up feedback of simple flattened hierarchies. An example of a flattened hierchy that reveals something of the profundity of the paradigm shift that requires at least intellectual understanding is the tratment of human feelings simply as indicative of positive negative neutral without meaning or value in isolation, prompting further awareness of interdependence, which undermines the validity of starting a Me~Mind dialectic as an isolated Being.

This reframing of the Me~Mind conception simply applies the mathematics of complexity in the form of a unit cycle that opens new dimensions in the present using e to the i to the 1 relationships to trace the relationship between lived experiences in relationship with willing to know now iStates.

Logic fought the law and the Maths won, so let us move on without sentiment to a present where the mathematics may reveal new symmetries in manifold dimensions consistent with the logic that is pragmatic and capable of enabling the quality provision of ground up feedback loops which are required for process managment of the ever better, in one time forward lifetime. The need of clear core iStates willing to know now in the way the diamond stylus notices the wavelengts and transmits them without interference accessing this diamond mind of non being is not necessary to apply the underestanding and locate the null state in relationship with recursive identifications that imagine meaning where there is none and make meaning masks using feelings during identifications in hoi polloi iStates.

There is no right or wrong in entering a moment using a hoi polloi iStates few of us ever learn how to enter the present without the burden of the past, Shagenfreude, pride and shame belong to self conceptions that is hooked on self esteem.

iSelf Mentor using Mi~iWitness, in current emergent knowledge flows.

Q: Why Use Process Purposes?
A: The present is where the knowledge emerges and purposes need to evolve with the emergent knowledge, this evolution is facilitated by the use of process purposes in relationship with evanescent hoi polloi iStates

Q: What is Winnowing and Flourishing?
A: Opening the present involves mothering the present from beyond time bound evanescent iStates and the iStates that are made available to inhabit the present of a capable Me~Mind can be crafted from within to accept and reject the arising knowledge with effortless ease only through a process of local winnowing and flourishing.

Q: Winnowing what rasps delusion in lived experience in the present hurts, why?
A: The pain of letting go is like the pain from an amputated limb, although it is not there the mental attachment creates really painful feelings in the present, which illustrates the flimsiness of the need for tangeble realities for ,.

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A: Yes, it's Free / Libre / Open Source Software (FLOSS). The license is LGPL.

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