

Mi~iMind emergent human knowledge processing solutions for knowledge work professionals

Let me try to be clear about what is attempted in presenting these solutions and perhaps most importantly what this is not about. This is not about human morality, this is about leveraging human potential from the inherent Buddha nature that emerges from our strange loop by creating a null state awareness that can process emergent human knowledge flow in one time forward lifetime in a professional knowledge processing role, in the form presented here this is not for people needing therapy or calming of their mind, this is for professionals already aware of the need for an inner calibration and management of ever better performance to facilitate the best outcomes using understood emergent knowledge flows.

The first step is to locate locally as a professional and come into relationship with the EmptiSelf conception, which is essentially the 2 truths self conception from Buddhist wisdom sutras like the Diamond and Heart Sutra. A mere intellectual understanding of the Heart Sutra is sufficient to guide how the solutions can be used best within your own role and although meditative understanding will produce profound inner understanding for the purposes of this work at this phase of development it is the axis between the intellectual understanding and the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge solutions that are the focus at the outset.

be used although some may witness the outcome as moral There is nothing to be over against as what manifests within the boundaries of our hoi polloi iStates is systemically bound to the shallows by the arithmetic that binds language and the cognitive dissonance that makes rational paths from non-sequiturs repression of deeper understanding of even deontic upstream and downstream consequences of understanding in the present.

The hoi polloi iStates as origins of group dynamics around named norms in the form of objects including profit as a monetary metric are bound to systemic uses of abstraction as they begin in an already entailed I the belongs to a U set of We from which a Non-U set emerges on the nod, there is no heuristic examination of friendships that depend upon keeping secrets of spousal betrayal a dinner parties where the betrayed is treated as a friend.

It seems obvious yet necessary to say that it is absurd to filter emergent knowledge flows in one time forward lifetime event through an overtly delusional sets of identities if we want to follow the knowledge as near to the present as possible in a capable embodied human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

Because we have access to an inner strange loop we can trace Information that flows as energy in the present in one time forward lifetime using process management and lived experience in the present in relationship with evanescent iStates.

The paradigm shift is profound as it posits a view that no capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime ever enters the same evanescent iState twice.

Although these mindful 1st approaches have been used to reduce the suffering caused by ignorance and attachment in human life our concern here is with better faster processing of emergent knowledge in the present, faster meaning understanding nearer to the present.

The improved mental human wellbeing is a byproduct. While compassion is used by Buddhism to quench the pain of desire caused by ignorance it arises here as a pragmatic function of understanding how to judge and participate in positive present participation in professional knowledge roles.

of the individual its use here is pragmatic as it causes the hoi polloi persona bound iState to release its hold in the present and let the iNow follow the knowledge.

Unique to the solutions provided is the use of a 'Nothing to be over against awareness' which helps clarify when nihilistic false positives arise when using historically bound. If there was nothing there to begin with what is the apparent loss if not an illusion bound to an emotion born of ignorance.

The stick the looks bent in the water was never bent it was only conceived by the viewer as bent, just as the I that was given to Me by the We of my village of origin was never Me.

if we through and emerges from human identity needs to be treated for systemic pollution if we are to find the knowledge available to us nearer the present. Resistances to sound emergent knowledge arise in us individually and as members of groups in similar and dissimilar patterns of suppression, assassination is not available to us as individuals to control the proliferation of I's in me that cannot but see the obvious contradictions is the consistencies claimed by individual and group identity.
Let us start in me now, no not I the writer, I the reader.__ Seen in any now with awareness more than one I in any me that is written here and now in any one time forward lifetime, which the writer and the reader share in I's in me taht can see now, in me now. Manifold infinities exist in any reliable now in one time forward lifetime.

More understanding is found in the present than anywhere else in a human Me~Mind, living one time forward lifetime. The best, most challenging and profound professional knowledge work requires a human Me~Mind that can produce willing to know now iStates of awareness. 

There is a reason why only 20% of knowledge professionals can use these Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions and it is prior to and beyond, our local human generation, gender, sex, race or creed, Mi~iMind emergent knowledge understanding is unbearable for hoi polloi iStates as it uses the absence of hoi polloi iStates to create awareness of ex nihilo iStates that arise from the perspective of the inside out. Hoi polloi iStates cannot help but imagine a nihilistic event on the way to understanding emptiness, although it is clearly absurd to imagine the destruction of something that was never there to begin with.

and understanding why that is begins with understanding how to identify from our local village cannot survive understanding.

Understand more faster, calibrate, measure and manage the speed, depth, nature and quality of the emergent knowledge flow in the present as a human knowledge professional. Information flows upon light lines back billions of years and manifold infinities of human iStates, the wavelength is the brush stroke the symmetries and patterns are the fading ink that traces the present in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime, a knowledge professional does not need to let human fashion cull the potential of a Me~Mind open the present with the will to know now.

If this work comes to help then it is important to note the role of emptiness in the true love in creating a space with no boundaries in our human Me~Mind.

The iconoclastic becomes part of the rhythm of life always hidden beyond an invisible will threshold where the pain and desire become unbearable. The pain of remaining within the revealed delusion in the Holon of the hoi polloi is unbearable especially for even those who win a hoi polloi game only to discover that the shallows of meanings conflated with feelings provide incomplete infinities succeed and witnessing of the beloved in recursive denial of the inferential consequences of what is overtly understood simply by understanding what it means to understand that no two people see the same rainbow and no humanly embodied Me~Mind enters the same evanescent iState twice in one time forward lifetime.

The hoi polloi iState is bound in a delusion that converts obsession to love and pledges internal lives to external beings of other in sets of U and Non-U. Educated in a modern university or not the delusion and the system are one the norms come from the outside in tumescent with the myth of the given not even pretending to clean the ontology for imaginative reflective purposes required for unadulterated creativity in one time forward lifetime.

Professional process management of continuous emergent human knowledge in the present of one time forward lifetime is a specialist interest pursuit here as it requires the willing adaptation of an EmptiSelf conception which is not something that can requested from the outside in as it requires self authoring from the inside out.

Post modern pragmatics using the work of Robert Brandom to help create a framework for rapid processing of emergent knowledge in a recollective present creates a space for conversation while at the same time being able to integrate the complexity mathematics that are systemically bound to Euler's e to 1 cycle, which opens up the capacity to integrate manifold infinities and facilitate the null state awareness that is the infinitely open attitude that the clear core willing to know now evanescent iStates that are ate the heart of these solutions require as part of the self authoring of Mi~iWitness awareness.

how to process emergent human knowledge in a way that enables synergetic inclusion of the insight from the strange loop, the knowable unnameable that organically tracks all the way on the light line and the mimic on the wavelength
Let us agree upon some obvious foundations that may help to illustrate how our local circumstances permeate our professional capacities and in so doing make clear that we all need to have the capacity to manage locally if we are to survive exposure to understanding in the present of one time forward lifetime.

There are people in safe secure middle class society who have had a child die and there are those who have not, just as there have been people who went to war as compatents who have been betrayed by the us they fought for in that war, while the loudest windbags amongst us never fought and deny their natural children. Society is steeped in hypocrisy because linear reasoning weaves gordian knots in short times and consistency is the self limiting function of the system. There is no need for a human plan made in secret societies the ideology of the good and the bad in a dominant logic conflated with emotional attachments to species exceptionalism is enough to start a complex system

My name is Tony Owens, there is no role that I have inhabited that is sufficient imprimatur to take these propositions on face value in fact the underlying argument is that is professional knowledge work does not promote an inner authorization the bias of personal human identity will continue to bend the flow of emergent knowledge with personal bias caused by hidden systemic confinement of what an I may be, when using persona bound self conceptions that can be proud in relationship with others in a professional holon.
that I have been and for the purposes of these propostions to view my disposition as a professional knowledge worker with an interest in promoting Servant Leadership in relationship with processing of continuously emergent knowledge, in the present of a capale human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

Naturally solutions like these that provide new sources of creative engagement with the present that begin beyond the personal are being presented by someone who has had at best a tenuous link with a continuous commitment to social norms a mind uboundaried by virtue of circumstances that included being born blue, suffering my catastrophic maternal failure at 2 months, witnessed death in my midst and was saved by true love in my 10th month here on earth.

This is a story about a diagram not a story about a story.

The enchantment of our identities within internalized narritives in relationship with the We of the hoi polloi rightfully warns us upon discovery of the antynomy that makes the search for the self with language a suitable analogy of hunting the Snark with Billy Connolly. that makes talking to Me~Mind impossible using self referencing with natural language.

A cross disciplinary set of solutions that will require levelling up whether you are a post graduate dean a brilliant undergraduate, a thought leader, Psychiatrist or a gifted savant, opening the present from the inside out rquires a paradigm shift that can prove challenging regardless of our mental acuity or named status among the hoi polloi. The willingness to know from the null point used in the solutions dependes upon an inner capacity to self authenticate, using a cogent understanding of empty self conceptions where the indiffertent willing awareness used for maximum vision in the present of one time forward lifetime is used for positive present participation. The real psychological pain of discoveting historical and lifelong attatchment to nonsense rooted in cornerstones of self conception will painfully shatter the brittle ego I and the unbearable sight of a Me~Mind continually entering the cave in a present through doomed hoi polloi iStates with object of desire in subject object categories.

The iconoclastic effects of insight and understanding, even in great minds has been illustrated by events that shocked the world including Gödel's cause of death, a mental self conception that caused him to starve to death. The insights that belie the systemic inconsistencies of hoi polloi iStates and the self conceptions that may derived using them. The self evident contradictions we use in the everyday lubrication of our mindsets in the form of cognitive dissonance are like sand in the gears for a bright mind, which may be willing to extend metaphors and analogies without losing their place in a dialectic that cannot be resolved without the use of a dualistic framing of 'I am'.

The social holon creates the illusion that being better than overtly inferior mindsets is sufficient to call success an absurdity for a mind that begins beyond the holon.

Marketing and personal psychology have similar effects upon marketing people who imagine that framing the world in a marketing context reveals some ultimate reality and limit of human society and psychology promotes the notion that conformity to static linear hierarchies of needs is a viable paradigm for success.

Marketing is no more than the observation of humanity caged in hoi polloi self conceptions that cause people to behave as subjects of social holons that relate to consumable objects. The hidden consequences of this is that marketing professionals imagine themselves as superior in the societal holon, however feeling smarter than the rats in the rat run caused by ignorance makes self esteem dependent upon the most ignorant not the most gifted.

Opening the present using EmptiSelf conception enables the effortless flowing of emergent knowledge in the present of a human Me~Mind commited to following the knowledge, an expedition that will lay bare the contingent nature of hoi polli iStates, we all inhabit in professional roles, the hide bound to egoic self, with good reason until now. A paradigm that does not require whistleblowers, heros or heroines to decry the pausity of the professional environment where knowledge work limits itself within professional boundaries that are holons by nature There Is Nothing To Be Over Aginstand all dancing around the pole at the centre of our bell curve.

What we are capable of is limited by our historic embeddedness in species notions of what we are that are bound to self conceptions derived from hoi polloi iStates for many cultural and historic reasons all of which have been anaphorically bound to notions of divinity because of our exceptionalism which was affirmed by the locations of the stars in the heavens, until it wasn't and never had been, there is no date when the flat world turned round, being wrong will not kill us, ignoring the knowledge that is emerging will, if that is we depend upon our knowledge as humans for our survival.

This is a first public outing for these Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions, which are systemically bound to interdependence founded upon the energetically coherent, cohesion that arises as the human Me~Mind emdodied in one time forward lifetime.

While eschewing the use of persona and Psychoanalytic modeling of an isolated hoi polloi iStates as the cornerstone for a self conception may seem extreme the difficulty is that without access to a new beginning in the present of a complex system the power to direct the will in a Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime is hinged upon sunken values in a linear system that is overtly incomplete.

within which self conception arises in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime cannot be measured or managed to produce positive present participation.


Mi~iMind reimagines, using new scientifically sound processing management, emergent knowledge processing in an embodied human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime, from the ground of energy, without the knowledge resistant filter of persona bound self conception, which is founded upon human exceptionalism in this complex coherent system where we humans live our life on earth.

The unique insight that the private human strange loop in a human Me~Mind facilitates is free from the need for shamanic and religious insights that filter energetic information flow through anthropomorphic self conception reducing the dimensions within which the knowable unnameable may reasonably understood. The projection of sunken values into current recollective resoning creates a natural resistance to emergent knowledge rooted in self conception itself which triggers psychological fight, flight, freeze and fawn responses to phantom realities that have never existed, just like the earth was never flat or the centre of the universe no matter what the white man in the priests garb said so the people who had problems coming to terms with that including some religious leaders have pivoted from their foundational thesis that our world is the centre of everything by virtue of humanities place in Gods plan.

If we have been having some social difficulties reconcilling our new understanding of the status of Gods plan for earth it is as nothing compared to the internal difficulties of comint to terms with our new understanding of absence of meaning

At this stage in the second millenium we are confronted with

Mi~iMind provides an interdependent multidisceplinery solution for processing emergent knowledge in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

The method works by providing a congruent framework for creating space in the present of a capable human Me~Mind. It preserves the unique nature of human knowledge processing by enabling the use of knowable unameables and clear core evanescent iStates which eminate from within an EmptiSelf conception which provides a method for calibration of a metric using weak will awareness.

The inner mindful awareness of a new null state that is essentially wilingily receptive by virtue of its empty nature provides newly hinged potential for the use of emptiness as first cause. Active winnowing using deontic processing provides a clearer understanding of why persona bound self conceptions cannot be blamed for actively distorting emergent knowledge flow is hoi polloi groups derived using linear personal pronouns to self reflect, during recollective reasoning.

The absurdity of a human species imagining itself excetptional by virtue of its capacity to process emegent knowledge while continuing to occupy self identities that require repression, suppression, cognitive disonance and membership of in groups derived from othering to maintain even temporary equilibrium as individuals or groups, while actively defending and obfuscating known systemic errors, is awesome in its popularity although not suited to intellegence led development. It is not that human belief in the meaning of feelings is unreal it is that it is not being processed from a null state, a nothing that arises from emptiness as distinct from a zero that arises from 1 in number theory and language. Which comes first a 1 or a Zero the pronoun I or the embodied interdependent Me.
Romantic human love is the apotheosis of imaginative endevours for many hoi polloi iStates as it rids the psyche of a rigid isolation within self conceptions that begin as separated iStates like those bound to Psychoanalytic models of person, which resolve in theories of higher states that promise some human divinity vehicle the soul.

Insight into what seems mysterious requires willing to know now, iStates in an embodied human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

Those of us who imagine we love knowledge and the freedom it can bring need to stop being rightous about the development of the will not to know in the persona structure of proud anglophile white men, they believe when they are superior there is no value in trying to change their minds because their self esteem is locked into a false belief. The argument agains white supremacy is not equality and caring the argument against white supremacy is resiliance and understanding that a supremacy that depends upon intellectual acuity for its essential project cannot similtaneously inhabit unwilling to know persona self conceptions.
Trace the energy in the present using weak will awareness and ground up feedback from willing to know now evanescent iStates and it is possible to calibrate and manage improved speed and quality of learning from emegent knowledge knowledge in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

The trick is quite subtle as it requires entering the present without the entailments of the past, there is nothing to be over against as the present arises from nothing while the suffering is willingly witness in hoi polloi iStates

Trace the solutions provided here using Positive, Present, Participation as process purposes for any capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime, where a profound understanding of the empty nature of the present provides a universal locus for interdependent human consiousness in the present of any capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime and focus is achieved using clear core evanescent iStates to provide simple feedback with willing clarity.

Release imagination from the butterfly wing flap trap in the hoi polloi states bound to human exceptionalism, arrive in the present with better understanding of the knowable unnameable, from a human Me~Mind with a strange loop that AI will never have, a strange loop with memory and sight down a light line with manifold infinities of symmetries. Enable new synergies using willing to know now clear core iStates in flattened hierarchies that quicken the learning from lived experiences in the present. Feed enlivening attitudes on errors discovered. Simply enable the capacity to use a new null state from the inside out, where there is nothing to be over against, receptiveness is effortless when capacity is provided by profound emptiness and our passionate hoi polloi iStates can be understood as sincere cave dwellers. The vivid imagination of the cave dwellers presses against the edges in hopeless poetry and symmetries that can be known and not spoken are witnessed as abscences

Please let me try to be clear at an everyday basis the solutions provided here use profound understanding that is available to any capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime, there is no need to understand the mathematics that underpins the post modern pragmatism used to achieve the or the makes

The use of linear hierarchies such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Psychoanalytically derived models of self conception which were designed for managing mental illness provide a self limiting beginning for working with emergent knowledge processing and servant leadership that is dedicated to superior processing of human knowledge and in a complex system where self conception emerges the beginning is the Butterfly flapping its wings. The continued use of self conceptions derived from Psychoanalytic models is the equivilient of working with Ptolomy's map of the universe where the earth is at the centre just as the ego/I is at the centre of the Psychoanalytic model.

Passion creates hubris even in caring soul seekers with the best of intentions, passion forms in downward looking holon self conceptions. The evanescent iStates that are used to provide ground up feedback that is required for the process management of ever better

Desire Dynamics the underlying scientific arguments underpinning the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions provides a modal for mental processing that could be as important for cogent understanding as opposing thumbs have proved for human survival as a species on earth.
Far from divine revalation of some connection with a male God the science points us to a null state that enables willing awareness of previously unbareable realities including our own persona bound notions of significence through mere anthropomorphic formulation. When we imagine that our feelings having cognitive meaning we are mistaken more often than not, when instincts like yuck forms an argument we can detect our own self limitations.

The Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions work by providing the framework for managing the production of space in the present of a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. The real dynamics that flow from knowledge arising in the present of a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime are bound to the present in time/space and the flow of emergent knowledge calls for the capacity to dissavow prior beliefs, whether this is caused by the bereavement of someone close or the changing view of Santa Claus given new knowledge. The most challenging issues are caused by the conflation of inner self conception with the objects that come and go as part of the linguistic story of our lives as individuals who imagine ourselves as separate entities. The Me~Mind model used here accepts the rooted interdependence and connectedness of any inner human identity and eschews the use of persona bound self conceptions that include concepts of soul journeys involving the repatriation of some inner identity with a divine human identity tied to a male godhead that arose as primitive and medieval uses of Aristotelian subject object logic which cannot survive dynamic evolution of knowledge.

The unique nature of inner knowing during lived experiences in the present of a capable human Me~Mind provides the ground for using new ground up process managment using simple clear core evanescent iStates that are willing to know now.

These solutions work and while they depend upon the simple they are not easy, if we have lived and succeeded in getting what we want in life, where we 'Act as if' and not, as this EmptiSelf conception enables . 'Act as is' then adapting to these paradigms will leave mindsets and cornerstones of attachments in free fall, a new nothing remains the same and there is nothing to be over against. It is the human capacity to understand the upstream and downstream consiquences of understanding how coming from strange loop into an evaescent iState in the present takes more than natural language to unlock the space in the present of a human Me~Mind using emergent knowledge to flourish in a constantly emergent present of a one time forward lifetime.

The most challenging thing is to understand that people must find the will within themselves, although the solutions use mathematics, pragmatics and sound arguments that go through, if the mind is not capable it is not capable. It is not an intellectual issue although there is a clear need for a competent acuity, it is the inner will to know and the consequences of the knowledge flow. There are Universtity lecturers and Surgeons who will not be able because the loss of their status in their narritive is unbearable. It is the purely receptive will that will enable weak will awareness.

There will be leveling up involved for everyone who seeks to use these emergent knowledge processing solutions whether you are a Mathimatician, a Psychiatrist, a Servant Leadership professional, an agile process educator, a psychotheraptist, a Post Graduate Dean or a career guidance teacher.

The nature of these solutions requires the professional to work from the inside out, where the professional imprematur of what is applied in the day to day includes the most up to date CPD as this process management solution presents here as the capable human Me~Mind enabled with the best current emergent processing solutions.

Essentially the solutions work by providing a way to create willing to know now space in the present of a professional knowledge worker using ideal attitudes not historical narritives, an EmtpiSelf conception and clear core willing to know now evanescent istates, to calibrate monitor an manage the present relationshi between lived experience and simple feed back from the ground up clear core iStates.

The temptation will likely be to focus upon headline consequences of the EmptiSelf conception as new use of an old doubtless self conception that contrasts starkly with ego/I conceptions that use tribal social normatives for approbation and disapprobation with shame and pride indwellers that support the delusion of self esteem in hoi polloi iStates, however these issues are best treaty as secondary as they will only be understood using the new paradigm which will not suffer nihilistic emotional responses similar to a phantom limb pain. Essentially the piece to learn is that if it was never there to begin with what could one have lost in this new understanding. The potential for the present opens up entirly new vistas for envisioning from nothing to something renewed an energized in every new evanescent iState that thrives upon the discovery of error.

The truth about emptiness is unbearable for persona bound self conceptions where sunken values are used as cornerstones of meaning and meaning is used as an imaginary friend.

While the world was convulsing over the death of a God made in male mans likeness, meaning was sneeking out the new doors of understanding now.

This is not about me Tony Owens my history or my vain glory, this is about solutions for processing emergent knowledge in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime using lived experiences in the present to learn faster from experiences in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime, with access to knowledge of the unnameable, in the present.
What is perhaps worth saying is that I have thrown myself as a person against the walls of the cave that is the persona as demon and deamon, acted like a romantic lover with sincerity and idealism non the less always arising in the already bent stick. No two people see the same rainbow and no Me~Mind steps into the same iState twice in one time forward embodied lifetime.

The secret sauce is in the capable human Me~Mind that can understand and apply the EmptiSelf conception paradigm from the inside out. A mind that is willing to know now and willing to follow the knowledge flow. Issues of gender and individual identity are not part of the core solution profile which uses energetic attachment as the base eco system and all hoi polloi iStates because of their systemic structure are revealed as identities that cannot be satisfied or find what they are looking for in one time forward embodied lifetime.

Shaman's, psychiatrists. mathematicians biologists and pragmatic philosophers know that linear language cannot knowingly refer to the knowable unnameable and yet the chatter continuos in the self limiting infinities illustrated by number theory. Poets and paternal tropadours may sincerely believe that mathimatics is merely something to like or dislike however mathematics echoes something of the nature of the truth that emerges in the present in the way it is indifferent to the Poets, the troubpadours the Shamas and the Psychiatirists while willingly illustrating the absurdity of considering the discovery of life in a human Me~Mind as a complex dynamic system that holon bound iStates cannot survive and therefore understandibly deny supress and repress the recurrance of the emptiness of iStates.

The evanescent iStates used begin and are bound to simple ground up clear core iStates
those still hunting the snark can

although the term mothering the present is used as a foundational notion of how to open the present with an attitude that is willing to follow the knowledge.

The system works using a processing management framework where the development of an internal Mi-iWitness gets tooled up for working with weak will awareness, which is the framework used for tracing the nature of identification in the present of a Hoi Polloi iState in the present.

, leaving only the inconsistencies
The challenge that emerged from a Royal Society conference in Dublin in 2011 about managing and maintaining the integrety of PhD thesis in light of the apparent increase the use of deception to affirm a prejudice in the Doctorial students work.

The issue was obvious no successful external boundary could reasonably be erected when when leading edge doctorial specialists in a subject chose to use deception as their access to systemic structures puts much of the effects of their most esoteric work beyond the ken of extant work done to date.

An internal system for managing integrety needed to be created and the potential needed to produce an ego free self conception that insists that integrity calls for heros and heroines when the emergent knowledge debunks their key thesis during conception.

Mi~iMind provides a new framework for a more inclusive dialectic for self reflection synthetic integration of EmptiSelf conception which enables reliable and resiliant ground up feedback loops using clear core willing to know now evanescent iStates of present awareness to provide energy defined information flow that can graphically map multiple infinities using the relationship between lived experience and the presently aware iState.

The paradigm shift required for using the framework in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime requires the capacity to work withing the reality of arising in the present from nothing. The natural response of a persona bound self conception will be the experience of loss and the challenge is that the proofs being used illustrate that the meaning of the it in a Me~Mind was never there beyond the Mi~iMind that created it. Real issues arise for some where the biforcation of the Me~Mind using the concept of the hoi polloi iStates as anthropomorphic holon sets bound by language limitation and attachment to debunked cultural sunken values need to be effortlessly abandoned and eschewed in wise recollective processing of emergent knowledge going forward.

The capacity to orientate, calibrate and process manage, in a continuously emergent system needs ordinals for orientation in the flow and now presents itself as arising in every present from nothing arising in emptiness in evanescent iStates of awareness in a human Me~Mind living in the one time forward lifetime. In a capable Me~Mind the capacity to use a locus focus system of navigation in the present is made possible by the understanding how to open space in the present for the continously emergent and in the Mi~iMind solutions a Me~Mind never steps into the same presnt iState twice.

Psychosynthesis was originally devised as a psychospiritual set of solutions by a psychiatrist called Roberto Assagioly who was pragmatic in his approach to how he introduced the solutions to the psychoanalytic conventions that were taking form in Academia at the time using the work of Jung and Freaude.

Mi~iMind provides a new use of a long proven human self conception, leveraged with complexity science, which eschews western psychoanalytic self concetpion models that create self esteeem and active knowledge resistance issues, in a framework for developing professional knowledge processing solutions, using willing to know now evanescent iStates.

In the form presented here the framework is not suitable for remedial psychological work although the applications that may be developed will naturally reduce psychological suffering as an essential step in any capable human Me~Mind.

The solutions work in any capable Me~Mind able of understanding and apply the new EmptiSelf conception by enabling coherent willing to follow the knowledge responses in cogent present participation with the continuously emergent knowledge, in one time forward lifetime in a human Me~Mind.

Hinged by time in the present of a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime with access to knowable unnameable iStates of awareness the use of attitudes in the present not local culture bound histories provides a clear distinction from the psychoanalytic framing of self conception in tribal conceptions and traditions, some of which have already been openly debunked. The earth is light years away from the centre of the Universe yet some humans continue to make meaing for the human species, in an absurdity that insists that we humans are the Universal raison d'être. This anthropomorphic error creates illusions of racial and gender superiority among believers who imagine the name they give an object of mind is a determinant of its nature.

in any capable Me~Mind the EmptiSelf conception enables cogent development of ever better iStates using Mi~iWitness recollective reasonig with clear core simple and complicated iStates which ensures the integrity of the required ground up feedback loops. The arithmatic of language is number theory and it self limits the systemic capacity to self describe and conceive a self without inherent limitations derived from its beginning.
The use of EmptiSelf conception synthesises and enables synergies in present participation using the Buddhist empty self conception synthetically integrated using complexity science to include the knowable unameable without the need to reduce this knowledge to self limiting anthropomorphic narritives available through natural language.
The use of process purposes enables the immediate identification of local requirements, whether approaching the solutions for use in as a Post Gradualte Dean, a Servant Leader, an agile trainer, a psychosynthesis guide, a counsellor or a knowledge integrity professional who recognizes that AI can work best with willing to know humans who will not do harm caused by resistances to the new emergent understanding.
The very practical problems such as raceism, fundementalism, sexism, gender identity issues and self esteem issues arise in relationship with self conception and for the 20% of the 20% of us in any capable Me~Mind these issues can dissappear with a deeper understanding of how to arise in the present from nothing in this the present adventure in a new evanescent iState. Mothering the present becomes the space into what we may be

__Mi~iMind synthetically integrates complexity science with a mindful 1st EmptiSelf conception to facilitate effortless processing of continously emergent human knowledge in any human Me~Mind capable of understanding this paradigm. The anthropomorphic subject object self conceptions that are the cornerstone of the Psychoanalytic self model which embeds the past narratives including errors into present self conception are eschewed. Mindful 1st EmptiSelf conception works with attitudes in the present which arise as congruent understanding of the currently emergent knowledge.
which eschews persona bound self conceptions and self esteem issues that are systemically embedded in ego bound self conceptions, while hampering synthetic dynamic inclusion. Information is treated as energy continuously flowing through an embodied human consiousness in the form of identified lived experiences in relationship with traceable evanescent iStates.__ Essentially a Me~Mind never enters the same iState twice in one time forward lifetime.

  • Mi~iMind is a full spectrum human knowledge processing solution which biforcates individuality in the form of anthropomorphically identified hoi polloi iStates and unbound willing to know now evanescent iStates, which arise using Mindful 1st, EmptiSelf conception as a new paradigm in any capable human Me~Mind, living one time forward lifetime.

  • A human Me~Mind is taken as a universally interdependent conscious entity capable of processing continuously emergent human knowledge that arises in the present of one embodied time forward lifetime. The essential issue is that information processed using an anthropomorphic ontology is limited in its capacity to manage emergent knowledge flows that naturally debunk emotionally charged sunken values as part of the evolution of emergent knowledge in the lived lifetime of any human Me~Mind.

  • The capacity to create willing to know now, evanescent iStates in the present depends upon a Mindful 1st, EmptiSelf conception which makes meaning in the present in relationship with process management of better iStates in relationship with the capacity to process and understand the emergent knowledge as near to the present as possible. Anecdotally we may consider two common emergent understandings that accompany bserving 'Oh I wish I had known that x years ago' where we recognize a patterned error that becomes visible in retrospect and the observation 'How many times do I have to experience 'y' before I learn from my experience' which indicates the earlier availability ot knowledge that has not yet been processed most often due to conceptions with attachments to sunken values.

  • The synthesis works by using the Buddhist wisdom paradigm solutions for managing the development of effortless disabuse of delusional iStates, Buddhism has always provided the raft not the destination and the resolution of the application is always in the present of a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. The eschewing of Psychoanalytic modals of self conception is necessary as the solutions are integrated using dynamic mathematics which the number theory alone, to which narrative Psychoanalytic self conceptions are bound cannot process manage iterative improvement of present iStates, psychoanalytic solutions are self limited because of the box from which they arise.

A new type of Psychosynthesis called Mindful 1st Psychosynthesis seeks to leverage the positive from existing psychological information while beginning from the solutions not the problems. The wilfully identified iState in the present