
Mi~iMind Understanding 50 % Faster


The solutions provided should only be used as part of a professional iSelfmentor program, which is currently being developed for wider use within professional knowledge processing roles. The interdisciplinary nature of the solutions will require capacity development whether you are a postgraduate dean concerned with the integrity of Phd thesis, a trainer of agile trainers, a servant leadership trainer or a conflict resolution professional.

The foundational challenge is the development of the capacity to move from a persona bound self conception to an EmptiSelf conception which calls for an inner paradigm shift that has implications for habitual self esteem, pride and shame.

potential in the present requires the unobstructed will for the greatest potential going forward, in a human Me~Mind with 1 time forward lifetime.

To be alive is to be modern to be modern is to ride the crest of the present with all the potential in the infinity of the present available in a very unique way within a human mind, not more than the Universe, of the Universe, in a small understanding among small things as a person maybe however more much more as a capable human Me~Mind embodied in the present of a real time with the power of inflection.

The rasping truth that winnows error in the evolution of understanding in the continuously flow of emerging human knowledge in the present of one time forward human lifetime is iconoclastic for syntax using self limiting infinities of linear hierarchies and emotionally unbearable for internalized sunken value sentient bindings in our everyday hoi polloi iStates.

The I pronoun in a human Me~Mind is willingly entailed and culturally rooted in our normatively isolated villages of origin and newly fashioned U and Non U groups, imprimatur from the outside in, systemically binds our self conception with doctrines from the Small men among small things,. Hoi polloi iStates occurs, when the I in Me is derived from the U and Non U of a We.

Any capable human Me~Mind that can understand and use the professional iSelfMentor knowledge processing frameworks with he Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions orientated in the present using positive present participation process purposes, can self author authentic professional understanding in a professional knowledge role.

Mi~iMind emergent human knowledge processing solutions

* A foundational shift in self conception opens manifold new perspectives, in one time forward lifetime
* Easily identify and purge active opposition to emergent knowledge
* Gains local processing traction with new simple ground up feedback with willing to know now iStates.
* Suitable for use by capable users of EmptiSelf conception knowledge work professionals iRoles only.

The emergence of the truth is unbearable for our systemically abstracted internalized culturally and socially bound hoi polloi iStates, which historically use linear consistent systems not suitable for dynamic emergent management of improvements in the Me~Mind of a capable human living one time forward lifetime. Systems that posit hierarchies of needs, the ones that rely upon a consistency of self esteem in a sea of emotional weather lurching between pride and shame, derived using personal identity that tracks from the outside into Me~Mind, The I from the sea of We arrives in Me regimented in the army and navy that cannot even speak of mere me with I, in me.

The secret sauce is simple although it is not easy, we require simple high quality ground up feedback to calibrate and manage change using process management in one time forward lifetime. Using evanescent iStates makes this process potentially painless and the discovery of errors enlivening.

Using EmtpiSelf conception requires genuine self authentication using cogent understanding of superior cognitive processing during recollective reasoning to make and use the clear core willing to know now evanescent iStates with the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions provided.

The New In Me

Opening the new in a capable embodied interdependent human Me~Mind in the present of one time forward lifetime in a way that can include and effortlessly process emergent knowledge flowing from the lived experience in the present in relationship with clear core evanescent iStates in Mi~iMind.

What happens when the emergent truth is unbearable for our internalized self conceptions which are bound to sunken values that are being debunked by emergent knowledge our professional knowledge work.

When Galeleo discovered new knowledge the self conceptions of the Pope was threatened and he was taken to be hanged, resistance to new scientific discoveries have been oppossed by Religions in the past it is most likely that in the 21st Century they will be opposed by politicians of all ilks and Religions as our notions about the structure of individual identity is revealed as similarly flawed to our prior views of where our world sits in relationship with the Universe we inhabit.

The use of linguistically abstracted notions of an 'I Am' derived from a local 'We Are' belies the obscured myth of the given as one of many reasons we emotionally resist the flow of emergent knowledge to maintain self conceptions founded upon linear sunken values that cannot manage the necessary change to follow the knowledge.

The use of process management solutions enables ever better iterative improvements which require bottom up feedback loops that provide reliable simple information compiled in flattened hierarchies, which Hoi Polloi iStates and the self conceptions that may be derived using them cannot provide.

everyday hoi polloi iStates our notional status among our in group and the dualities of our internalized myth of self esteem in our personal narritives is exposed as incomplete by virtue of its nature being bound in narritives.

The pronoun I of We, is the emperor in the midst of our Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. The extant I in Me~Mind is bound in the mothering of the present to a fallacious past.

when the cornerstones of our self conception is being which rely upon cornerstones that use sunken values that are being debunked in the current flow.

Persona bound self conceptions are eschewed as they actively distort the emergent knowledge flow and cause attention distracting real pain and suffering during disabuse in the presence of emergent knowledge flows in the present. The use here of EmptiSelf conception to enable willing to know now iStates depends upon the capacities and capabilities of the professional using the solutions.

The real emotional pain experienced by the indviduated Me~Mind using the separated nature of individuality in persona bound self conceptions is systemically bound to the continuos processing of emergent human knowledge in a capable Me~Mind in a series of temporaly bound evanescent iStates of awareness. The Me~Mind never steps into the same iStates twice, while embodied in livining experiences of one time forward lifetime. The abstration of the selfconeption using natural language binds self coneption to number theory which would not rationally be used to make sense of a present awareness in a dyanamic complex system.

These solutions are not presented in this form as pain relievers for psychological illness and should not be used by individuals or professionals without a proper understanding developed by participation within agile teams committed to positive present participation process purposes, where understanding is the goal and the path.

Understanding in the present of one time forward human lifetime is the goal and the path for the Mi~iMind emergent human knowledge processing solutions, solutions which use process purposes to calibrate and manage better understanding using willing to know now, evanescent iStates for use in professional knowledge work.

The professional element is subject to the capacity to use EmptiSelf conception that manages willing awareness from the inside out.

Use an EmptiSelf conception to liberate the opening of the present from the myth of the given that hobbles unobstructed creative engagement which is necessary to make visible and follow the flow of the continuously emergent knowledge in a capable human Me~Mind.__

The scientific roots of the Mi~iMind emergent human knowledge processing solutions provides a cogent framework for calibrating and managing the creation of space in the present of one time forward lifetime in a capable human Me~Mind, at its most humane it enables willing awareness in the present of the endless human suffering caused during the discovery of errors in emotionally bound sunken values in hoi polloi iStates even in a capable human Me~Mind.

Errors become enlivening pointers on temporal pathway towards self managed iterative improvements using clear core willing to know now evanescent iStates.

The new space is created by making pathways from the inside out in a capable human Me~Mind using empty paving in the form of clear core willing to know now iStates..

Our hoi polloi iStates derived from the outside in using the subject object, self conceptions of the villages that reared us use linear hierarchies that birth our evanescent present experiences in life into a hide bound cross generational lingua franca where ontology’s in the form of holonomic systemic create a force for consistency using a system that is naturally incomplete in this coherent Universe.

Omega incomplete

Holonomic system is A system of material points that is either not constrained by any constraint or constrained only by geometric constraints. The latter impose restrictions on the positions of the points of the system and may be represented by relations of the type
fs(x1…x3N,t)=0, s=1…k; fs(x,t)∈C2.(1)
Here t
is the time, xi are the Cartesian coordinates of the point and N is the number of points in the system. If ∂fs/∂t≡0, the constraints are said to be stationary; otherwise they are called non-stationary. Any position of the system for which the coordinates of the points obey equations (1) is called possible for the given moment t. The constraints (1) impose restrictions not only on the positions xν, but also on the velocities vν and on the accelerations wν of the points:

by virtue of their nature in relationship with a present in a capable interdependent embodied human Me~Mind.

The capacity to use the EmptiSelf conception used requires more than IQ it requires access to real inner understanding of a present awareness that is not over against what is arising in the present awareness of a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime in during professional knowledge work.

, using a persona bound self conception is .

how, even if it is only intellectual of the 2 truths self conception from the Heart Sutra. Uncovering the attitudes that profound compassionate understanding of the hopelessness of our constantly recurring hoi polloi iStates would e

system which gives us

some idea for our destination, sapient resolution of abstract awareness and the sentient experience in the present reveals real suffering in the present of one time forward lifetime as the alienation caused by the deontic imperatives caused the emergent revelations within recollective reasoning using American pragmatics, understanding of the implications of using an ontology imputed with the myth of the given in the form of self conceptions.

Simple Solutions in a complex system, understanding is the goal and the path.

A new ecology of human understanding begins by using complexity mathematics for monitoring and managing using simple ground up solutions with clear core willing to know now evanescent iStates. Clear core willing to know now iStates are created using EmptiSelf conception which enables null state, infinitely open, awareness to arise exnihilo. Process purposes are used that encourage effortless adaptation and enlivening error processing.

beyond the self limiting, arbitrarily isolated, persona bound self conception, where the eschewing of the culturally bound ego/I does not require the negation of ego/I iStates of awareness, Ego/iStates naturally arise when using a natural language in conjunction with localized hoi polloi iStates compiled in Holon structures that cannot level up or dynamically adapt while using linear sunken values that inhere in the imputation of a self conception when living one time forward lifetime.

The interdependent nature of an embodied human Me~Mind no longer needs to be separated from the Universe as a whole when we use EmptiSelf conception with time bound evanescent iStates of awareness to monitor and manage the relationship between lived experience and continuously emergent knowledge in the present of one time forward lifetime.

The reduction in emotional suffering is a by-product not an end function as in the case of the Buddhist applications of the 2 truths framework that can be understood intellectually before meditative understanding.

isolated human being as ego/I acknowledges that this was never there to begin with beyond the local notions of exceptionalism, infused so profoundly in anglophile white men. Human exceptionalism imputed into ontology creates systemically inferential errors in our capacity to understand. If we mistake what we are here we miss to opportunities that what we are offers.

The need for forgiveness is revealed as a conceited delusion of the hoi polloi iStates we inhabit using isolated self conceptions, the effort to forgive belies the passionately identified hoi polloi iState. A hoi polloi iState that cannot forgive cannot willingly follow the disabuse in the flow of the emergent knowledge in the present

J. B. Shaw wrote:

I am afraid we must make the world honest before we can honestly say to our children
that honesty is the best policy.

Using orientation in the identified present of a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime Desire Dynamics provides a framework that enables the tracing of the origins of will in evanescent iStates in time ordered attitude sets in relationship with lived experiences in any capable interdependent human Me~Mind.

Guiding attitudes in relationship with evanescent iStates provide the ground of new potential with a human Me~Mind in relationship with continuous emergent knowledge flow, using process purposes. __~~

Identities from the inside out is not the same as identities from the outside in, correct the errors, confusion and security risks caused by using outside in self conception using a mindful 1st Doubtless Self conception which can effortlessly adapt using the continuous emergent knowledge flow in one time forward lifetime.

Gender Free, Race Free, Named Identity Free, antifragile self conception, discover the Doubtless Self in a capable Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

What Is Mi~iMind?

Professional emergent knowledge processing solutions for capable human Me~Minds working as knowledge work professionals

Desire Dinamics: Becoming Smarter, Here and Now!

Our individual self conception is the key hinge where our will to know now meets our will not to know now, in a capable human Me-Mind.

In the context of Desire Dynamics the underpinning scientific framework it is the release from the tumescent present that genderless ageless moment that can be iconoclastic in the face of our sincerest commitments and a point for monitoring and threshold management for the EmptiSelf conception in present evanescent iStates.

Mi~iMind provides a recollective framework for managing faster, effortless and infinitely inclusive emergent knowledge processing, in a capable human Me~Mind working as a knowledge processing professional, in one time forward lifetime.

The solutions use a proven EmptiSelf conception, which uses the intellectual understanding 2 truths of the Heart Sutra to compassionately provide the empty paving in the present, while continuing to be a fully conscious witness of the systemic suffering in our identified hoi polloi iStates. We are invited to treat our present iStates as evanescent without the presence of nihilism which would be absurd as there was nothing there to begin with as a substantial iState that persisted over time. The challenge is that the sunken values that have been created by our hoi polloi iStates have substantial investments in the emotional structures created by including those iStates in histories of Me~Mind as if they were describing some internal homunculus

A Me~Mind living using desire entailed iStates verified by the views in the others I's is an object in the hoi polloi marketplace for names, Musk is the fish that will never understand the water within which he swims with such certainty, looking down, understood correctly this evokes compassion for Musk not shadenfreude.

Understanding the systemic causes for the hopelessness of emotionally bound sunken values in the evolution of emergent knowledge in one time forward lifetime and the self limiting sincerity with which our hoi polloi iStates create our objects of desire enables effortless forgiveness in a skilful mind.

Mapping a human Me~Mind from the inside out, using Mi~iWitness for recollective processing of the continuous emergent knowledge flow in the present of any one time forward human lifetime in a capable human mind.

The will to know is freed from the self limiting egoic structures that actively limit the knowledge available in the present using an EmptiSelf conception that can congruently trace ex-nihilo evanescent iStates of present awareness in relationship with lived experiences. This essentially helps manage a null iState awareness that is receptive by its nature, which improves weak will awareness that enables improved threshold management using flattened hierarchies.

This EmptiSelf conception is essentially the Buddhist 2 truths self conception that yields an antifragile Doubtless Self that has been successfully used by millions who have not suffered prolonged agony caused by a search for self esteem, pride and feared shame. The willingness to delight in the discovery of error as the previously obscured knowledge becomes available in the present makes disabuse enlivening.

which when understood provides a way for professional knowledge workers with capable human Me~Minds, to calibrate monitor and manage

continuous improvements in positive present participation in a knowledge processing roles.

that thrives upon error and delights in disabuse in the present of one time forward lifetime.

These solutions are for use by capable minds, working in professional knowledge work, applying superior solutions using process management requires multidisciplinary understanding of upstream and downstream consequences with deontic imperatives. NOT SUITABLE FOR USE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS.

The wilful corruption of emergent knowledge in PhD thesis inspired this work and the solutions provided are concerned with the technical application of an emergent knowledge processing solution for a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

Western psychology is hinged upon the creation of a doomed by time forward, self conception, from an egoic identity in active denial, repression and suppression of the emergent knowledge in any present due to the use of linear structures to define knowledge as dependent upon sunken values. No human using such a system can rely upon a consistency of self conception which undermines the capacity to calibrate monitor and manage effortless adaptation, which includes delight in finding errors and discovering deeper symmetries. Hoi polloi bound human attitudes are Holon bound downward looking hierarchies and in a dynamic system solutions require ground up flattened hierarchies to work with AI and leverage the capacity of human consciousness including access to the strange loop which AI cannot have without humans.

AI will work best with human Me~Minds which are willing to know now, if you doubt this ask it, it's not shy. A new understanding of nothing that does not involve nihilism enables a congruent willing to know lived experience, with weak will awareness, using attitude bound evanescent iStates using process purposes.

Understand More Faster, depends upon the will to know now, to follow the continuous emergent knowledge flow as near to when it appears as possible, in one time forward lifetime, using positive present participation and delightful awareness of newly discoverable symmetries, when the discovery of error is experienced as delightful it is a sign that can indicate the Me~Mind in question is capable.

These solutions require a paradigm shift that eschews the persona bound self conception and provides a fully traceable superior knowledge processing system for use within any capable human Me~Mind, regardless of gender or ethnicity, the capacity for being willing to know is what will give humanity the leverage it needs with AI to create new synergies using more profound insights

Remove and eradicate resistances to new knowledge in the present with willing to know now evanescent iStates created using EmptiSelf conception for positive present participation using the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing framework.

Follow the flow of the continuously emergent knowledge in the present of a capable human Me~Mind embodied living one time forward lifetime.

Mi~iMind provides a new human Me~Mind dialectic framework that is intended for use in professional knowledge work, including AI synthesis and synergies. To facilitate rapid, congruent acuity using the continuously emergent knowledge flow in the present of a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime a mindful 1st EmptiSelf conception is used which works using simple iState awareness in the present, without the paraphernalia of the unconscious, the soul journey or other anthropomorphic, hoi polloi starting points which cause emergent knowledge to be processed through self conceptions that by their nature need to resist and suppress emergent knowledge in order to survive as self conceptions over time .
To enable self calibration and process management of emergent human knowledge in a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime using EmptiSelf conception.

The identification and eradication of knowledge polluting sunken values entangled in persona bound hoi polloi iStates commonly referred to as personalities bound to social Memes is managed using present self awareness of willed identification within each capable Me~Mind.

The skills required are enabled by at least an intellectual understanding of the upstream and downstream consequences of a mindful 1st approach to human Me~Mind awareness of contingent in relationship with a profound understanding of the emptiness from which the present iState awareness emerges in any capable Me~Mind.

effortless processing of for use in professional knowledge work.

The opportunity to leverage knowable unnameable human knowledge that has unique direct access to deeper and more insightful natural phenomena such as partially evidenced by Prof. Hofstedrs strange loop is not possible for persona bound hoi polloi iStates that systemically hobble emergent knowledge flow using suppression, resistance and repression caused by trauma and emotional attachments to debunked sunken values as painfully distracting as the excruciating pain that physical amputees can feel from removed limbs.__

Uncritically belonging to a group that is systemically tied to self limiting knowledge flow is not the level of professional excellence that underpins the use of the Mi~iMind solutions as they depend upon the inner integrity that is managed using the Mi~IWitness iState knowledge processing system, which calibrates and manages using the relationship between lived experiences and clear core willing to know now iStates.

The pain of losing sunken values that are used for self conception in a human Me~Mind are well documented and identities using parameters of shame, pride, guilt or heroism are debunked as dependent upon Aristotelian values of subject object logics that is not suitable for emergent knowledge processing in a dynamically emergent complex systems, such as that in which self conception arises in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

If the Me~Mind we inhabit is hoi polloi bound even the iState in us that seeks a University Doctorate can lie and this is absurd because to be proud of a false imprimatur among the hoi polloi is to be proud of one’s status among those whom one has fooled.

The point is that professionalism in knowledge work requires a willingness to know and if the iState doing the work depends upon sunken values then the newly emergent knowledge may not be welcomed into the present.

place human information flow which is essential energetic

that works with continuously emergent human knowledge using a new empty self conception paradigm EmptiSelf to provide congruently infinitely open attitudes that can effortlessly eschew debunked sunken values and enliven participation using error discovery with process purposes that enable process management of ever better present participation.__
new possibilities for Positive Present Participation using evanescent iStates that can open to the present without resistance or repression of information from the continuous emergent knowledge flow in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.__

Utilizing new complexity mathematics to help synthetically integrate and create new synergies that leverage the paradigm shift required to intellectually understand the Buddhist wisdom sutras using time bound evanescent iStates capable of opening in the present from a nothing that arises from emptiness as distinct from a zero that is dependent upon the 1 of number theory.

e abstract empty self conception at the heart of mindful 1st awareness

provides a framework for creating useful new ever better understanding in the present of a capable human Me~Mind using willing to know now evanescent iStates hinged using an EmptiSelf conception which makes painless effortless will to follow the knowledge available for use in the capable Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.__
solutions involving positive present participation using emergent knowledge processing to winnow and hone
iSelfMentor emergent knowledge processing solutions for any capable human Me~Mind willing to know now evanescent iStates. participating in professional knowledge work, which enables more understanding faster by processing lived experience using clear core evanescent iStates. EmptiSelf conception leverages emptiness as first cause in a cycle of recollective processing of continuously emergent knowledge in a way that enables the calibration and management of new threshold management of iState awareness in a wise system that is infinitely open.__
The simple is extracted from the present identification within a hoi polloi iState and the information is feedback using flattened hierarchies through a Mi~iWitness processing methodology that manages the will to know awareness using an Emptiself conception.
The capacity to understand EmptiSelf conception provides a clear null state awareness that is essentially receptive in nature, which means it does not resist or reject the emergent knowledge and in so doing frees the evolution of the knowledge to move with the emergent knowledge without the lag and drag of sunken values debunked in the present processing.

To begin professionally hinging the present to calibrate and manage evaluation using the Mi~iMind solutions in any capable human be mind living one time forward lifetime, understanding the hinges bifurcated into the anti fragile, empty self conception using the intellectual understanding of the Doubtless Self of Buddhist 2 truths wisdom sutras, synthesised using mathematical inclusion of the knowable unnameable using ground up information feedback loops to manage iterative improvement of for the present participation in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime is essential.

  1. Hoi Polloi iStates can intentionally cover the crack through which the light of the stars travels

  2. Now

  3. EmptiSelf conception

  4. Nothing from Emptiness

  5. Willing To Know Now, Evanescent iStates


Need help?

Mi~iMind as right livelihood

otonyoadmin - 2024-10-04 11:48 - (0 Reads)

If we want to know a bit more about what we are maybe we could open a few more infinities before we bind the quest.

The essential function of the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions being tested here is the creation of willing to know now evanescent iState awareness in the present of one time forward lifetime in a capable interdependent human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime in part within a professional knowledge processing role.

Mi~iMind seeks only to provide self validating rational solutions for processing emergent human knowledge, using a soul free self conception that can cogently orientate in the present of one time forward lifetime. The 2 truths self conception is repurposed as EmptiSelf conception within evanescent awareness iStates in an capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. Capable of understanding even the mere intellectual understanding of the of the heart sutra and applying the recollective processing of process purposes bound to positive present participation with current emergent knowledge flows.

The use of EmptiSelf conception can be viewed as a hinge for using far from equilibrium solutions from the 20% of our iStates that are capable of being willing to know now. Hoi polloi iStates are will bound attention identifications usually appearing in natural language ian including the personal pronoun I.

after which the mothering of now in time forward

in the present ex nihilo

not an emptiness as a subsequent arising to a persona bound hoi polloi iState an imputed self conception proud an emptiness arising as profound

A New Simple Language For Multivalent Inclusion

otonyoadmin - 2024-09-18 13:05 - (0 Reads)

Human conscious awareness is overtly multivalent from within a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. The capacity to use multivalent logic to include knowable unnameable understanding requires an internal paradigm shift to avoid the strain and stress of the heroic and the tragic in the pettifogging resistances to emergent knowledge flow, identities that depend upon not knowing need not be bothered with the idea of trying to be willing to know. This is a hollow deck with hollow men masquerading in the myth of the given which socially conflates delusions with objective reality denoted by a U-Set and a Non-U set, which systemically causes a holon where the U-set is consistently at the highest point in the bell curve around the norm. While it may be socially understandable why a person might genuinely belief in the power of religion to quench the pains of doubt, guilt, shame and sin it is in the lived experience where understanding causes widespread forgiveness' in one time forward lifetime.

The Doubtless Self, Lifelong Antifragile Resilience

otonyoadmin - 2024-09-18 09:01 - (0 Reads)

In a capable human Me~Mind that can merely understand the 2 truths intellectually the Doubtless Self reveals its nature and location in one time forward lifetime. Orientation in a time forward consciousness is bound to the becoming present which systemically cannot use linear hierarchies for navigation within such a time bound consciousness. Feelings can be winnowed from reasoned routes in the myth of the given.

survives the discovery of the understanding emptiness of everything, sign and substance
in the capable embodied human mind, in one time forward lifetime, after understanding emerges in a private present

discovering the emptiness in sign and substance,

mere intellectual understanding understanding of the 2 truths

The pleasure of identifying and winnowing systematic error

otonyoadmin - 2024-09-17 10:09 - (0 Reads)

Understanding as a lived experience is bound in the dynamic of one time forward lifetime as the embodied Me~Mind, before and beyond the I pronoun. Emergent knowledge flows through the present where the I that came from the sea of We in Me~Mind naively claims ownership of Me~Mind. The self conception derivatively bound to these naive misconceptions resists and suffers a need to corrupt information to maintain cognitive consistency. The stick was never bent as it entered the water although the reflection from above embedded the bentness in the birth of the ontology like a butterfly flapping its wings and causing too many metaphors to appear in the present.

Erradicating the enemy of understanding in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

System Administrator - 2024-09-07 14:20 - (0 Reads)

The identity that is affirmedd by tumescent passionate engagement is enchanted by hero heroine stories from within the history of human self conception. The idea that a country like the USA, by its own calculations about 250 years old can self identitify as the best country in the world as affirmed by a population who have never travelled belies for the sharper mind the willing delusions that U and Non-U groups create in young uneducated people of all genders and races.,

Normatively Successful Anglophile White Male

System Administrator - 2024-09-06 14:59 - (0 Reads)

The anglophile categorization is a broad philosophical differentiation UK/USA and others although the differences in Canada, New Foundland, Ireland, Wales and Scotland create significant nuances in the northern hemisphere in white male normative identity and the anglophile Celt (Irish, Scots, Welsh) is a species all to themselves.

The simple system uses sets of U

Me Refracted, in my I from U and Non-U

System Administrator - 2024-09-06 08:25 - (0 Reads)

When we walk in a hall of mirrors where the embodied consciousness is reflected back to the here and now in Me~Mind the gap between the vision and the here and now provides an insight for some into the perceptible gaps between lived experience and evanescent iState of cogent awareness, the wobble between orientation and disorientation occurs accompanied by private ontological feelings and desires already loaded with intentionality.

Orientation in the present is essential to navigation in one time forward lifetime only an I that knows life as a person is afraid to die the way such an I can be afraid to die, the shame of Non-U, in our U societies whether lawyers or criminals belies a hide bound self conceptions that may know that it is in a theatre of the absurd and know that there are no exits that cannot survive disabuse of the debunking of meaning created using conflated feeling in relationship with some notion of a persistent entity within me

Changing The Meaning of Mi~iMind ignorance

System Administrator - 2024-09-05 14:53 - (0 Reads)

If the present in one time forward lifetime is where and when emergent knowledge flows in a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime since before the I from the sea of We in Me, then .....

Just now what is the attitude required for ever better understanding if it is not a willing to know now evanescent iState in a capable embodied interdependent Me~Mind.

How To Connect Hoi Polloi iStates With Mi~iWitness awareness

System Administrator - 2024-09-05 10:43 - (0 Reads)

Mi~iWitness awareness is a hinge for using the Mi~iMind emergent human knowledge solutions in professional knowledge roles. It relies upon an understanding of EmptiSelf conception to be fully opened to manifold infinities so in the context of Hoi Polloi iStates the limited infinites available are sufficient starting point.

Mind The Gap, Tracing The Gaps

System Administrator - 2024-09-04 10:09 - (0 Reads)

There are manifold gaps in our self knowledge profiles that are caused by our persistent use of the limited infinities available in natural language and no amount of human regret will change this fact or the emergent reality that truth is indifferent to wilful human ignorance, whether we call it suppression or repression of the will to know in our hoi polloi iStates. That we can masquerade as something we are not using act as if to prime our identities for objects of desire is a skill we have as humans to take on descriptive identities from the outside in, using points in time in one time forward lifetime to bind self conception in a capable human Me~Mind.

The Structure Of Self Esteem in Ego Psychology

System Administrator - 2024-09-03 11:14 - (0 Reads)

We have imbibed Maslow's 1940's hierarchy of needs by osmosis in the later stages of the 20th century and the first quarter of the 21 Century, a structure that systemically binds us to a fixed linear structure of sunken values upon which the concept of self esteem and motivation are founded in many self help interventions over the past 50 years.

Like any conjecture provided using language bound theories of self conception in relationship with imputed subject object goals the teleological nature of the structure exposes the goals as brittle hinges that cannot willingly follow emergent knowledge flows that disabuse the thesis underpinning the theories.

We can see the evidence all around us however a stark example is the state of GP's health in developed post modern society where the internalized notion of integrity and service bound to the social status of the role stands in stark contradiction to the self consciousness within the the GP's as evidenced by the drug addiction levels within the group that belie neurotic suffering within the identity often sharpened by the private realization that the ego/I of a GP is not more able to truly care about the wellbeing of patients than any other human and indeed the practice of using patients as testing zones for new drugs for money and perks often trumps caring in the game of being a GP.

Simple Solutions In A Complicated Mind

System Administrator - 2024-09-01 08:58 - (0 Reads)

A great deal of what we call our knowledge is understood now to flow through what we internalize as our identity, which informs our most cherished parts of our life our partners, our religion, our children our family our friends, all of whom we imagine as having identities that should somehow chime with our language story about them although we know that there is not language story about Me that can map Me from the outside in. Our attempts to make normative stories of identity substantial is a tragedy in the making as the dynamics of emergent understanding for even a capable human mind is already set in time forward before the Me mind emerges from the womb.

The persona, with historical connections to the soul, is here referred to as being one of the hoi polloi iStates, which are normative iStates bound to the We of us and our villages of origin.

In Dublin where I was a child in search of an identity the people once believed the world was flat in New York nobody of consequence or inconsequence has believed the world was flat, people from New York sometimes imagine they are smarter because they never believed the world was flat, are they?

Two Types of Imaginative Capacity

System Administrator - 2024-08-28 20:41 - (0 Reads)

Imagination even in a capable human Me~Mind living a modern time forward lifetime can be hobbled by self conception as the emotional agony, Frege, Godel and Turing suffered as scientists in parallel with James and Wilde and Capote the shallowness of the contradictions required to make the linear systems of categories consistent by a cognitive dissonance that uses nonsense like a populist political party where the leader is the I pronoun passionately proud and shameful in the country of a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

Learning What We Want From What We Get

System Administrator - 2024-08-28 20:31 - (0 Reads)

There are people who have always been able to get what they want and there are people who want what they get, these two groups have something in common that not all of the two groups share and there are people who have not been able to get what they want because their self conception prevents them from reaching for opportunities to get that arise in the present.

Even people who love Marmite can have more than enough Marmite in one time forward lifetime, because flavours like feelings can thrill as positive or negative in the present.

Getting is a function without a value. The issue is about how not who or why. People who can get whatever they want use their subject object desires to set goals that will or will not deliver the satisfaction required. If we seek a flavour in the present we know we only want it for a short time, from our experiences of over indulgence.

Tragedy Seeded In Me With The Persona

System Administrator - 2024-08-28 08:26 - (0 Reads)

The idea that a capable human Me~Mind, living one time forward lifetime can be selfish is derived using isolated persona notions of self identity that originate in oral traditions that believed we as a species were the core purposeful telos. The isolation causes us to imagine we are humble in some selfless way when yielding to what was always true. It was always true that the I derived from We began in a village that once believed the world was flat although it never was.

The Pope fought the emergent knowledge flow and the flow won, the emergent knowledge game is played upon the crest of the present, where sunken values underpinning self conception that were never there to begin with are revealed as human misconceptions, superior knowledge processing involves the ability to eschew misconceptions.