
Opening The Present, in one time forward human lifetime

The present is the space time where new emergent knowledge is first understood in a human life that is lived in time forward. The dynamic of living in a present where emergent knowledge is constantly flowing in the form of knowledge already understood and knowledge emerging into new understanding in the present provides challenges for us humans when we use linear structures such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs to describe desires made objective for individuals and groups. Promising becomes unreliable as we find ourselves unable to even consistently love the people we have loved from within the personal I identity that claimed to love, indeed the personal I witnessed from within is sometimes unable to stop eating or drinking beyond what is needed or wanted. Orientation in the present is the key in any capable human Me~Mind. To follow the information and messages in fungi, slime mould and quantum states along with the knowable unnameable we must begin our quest for understanding from beyond the I from the sea of we, beyond symbols, signs or sounds in our embodied interdependent Me~Mind. Orientation in the beginning uses iNow 80% of which is hoi polloi in every human Me~Mind regardless of the deity bound villages of origin. Religion is not wrong, ritual soothes the isolation caused by beginning in name bound hoi polloi norms that defy even deontic logic while imaginatively constrained bounded by the complicated and the simple in a downward looking holon, caused by the use of linear structures, the mystery is on the crest of the present creates the socially normal, Mi~iMind solutions for opening the present begin in the 20% the far from equilibrium What if in one time forward lifetime a human Me~Mind never steps into the same iState twice, what if no two people see the same rainbow and the knowable unnameable arises in a present consciousness, the present is where the greatest human knowledge can be. If there is no I in me that can be all of me and there is no me that can only be I, who do you love. In a present where there is nothing to be over against disabuse is painless, the discovery of error enlivens better understanding and simple ground up feedback can make calibration and management of ever better in a capable human Me~Mind using evanescent iStates in one time forward lifetime. ing and effortless, in the hoi polloi iStates the simple is not easy. Opening The Present is a blog about how 50% faster understanding can be calibrated monitored and managed by using evanescent iStates with EmptiSelf conception to follow the emergent knowledge flow in the present of one time forward lifetime. Enabling the will to know without being over against the contingent is the key that makes the present, the goal and the path, where discovery of error is enlivening for the continuous iterative development of evanescent willing to know now iStates. when it comes to emergent human knowledge processing. of using process purposes in professional knowledge roles. For the purposes of this work my professional work in developing and administering Servant Leadership Courses to no avail serves as a key inspiration. The solutions that will be discussed here relate to the human will to know and how our capacity to change our self conception opens new potential for our will to know without being over against extant identities, private or public. Without getting into the technical details in the solutions I will discuss the indicators that present opportunities such as Imposter Syndrome and our Inner Critic as potential points of initial engagement with the ideas presented. New age energy work and altered states such as Reiki, Shamanism, Holotropic and Psychedelics will be referred to as examples of knowable unnameable states that cannot respectfully be translated into a natural language statement without loss or addition during conception. The inability of natural languages to reliably self reference for a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime using evanescent iStates is sufficient to explain the incapacity for the functions performed by these states to be attributed to an "I did" statement. paradigm from one that relies upon linear structures and named identities new emergent human knowledge processing solutions, which enable faster and more inclusive human understanding. The present provides the orientation where willing to know now space can be provided by a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. The availability of the will to know in our present changes our capacity to understand in our present. for the emergence of a continuously emergent human knowledge The new paradigm movement from subject object linear purposes to process purposes is what makes new self authored measurement of iterative improvement available in any capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. The use of a proven EmptiSelf conception is a radical change from using persona bound self conceptions that articulates a fragile and brittle and confined self esteem narrative confined, self limiting narrative which does not arise when using the 2 truths to understand self conception in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. The intellectual understanding of the heart sutra is used to help understand the need for compassion as the ignorance of our hoi polloi iStates becomes explicit. The emotional pain is real and inevitable and compassion is the balm that soothes the present where a Me~Mind can be witnessed entering iStates from the side of the tumescent hoi polloi iState or the empty paving in the present of a clear core willing to know now iState. enabled using EmptiSelf conception, which enables an effortless willingness to know The new solutions are hinged upon the use of EmptiSelf conception which provide a congruent context for the evolution of understanding in one time forward lifetime, The management of disabuse of sunken values by emergent knowledge enlivens an antifragile self conception as distinct from the suffering that psychological attachtments to self esteem bound self concetpions. Hinge upon making explicit a new way to open the present in one time forward human lifetime, in a capable human Me~Mind. My background includes the development and delivery of servant leadership development programs for senior management, some work with the integration of non-ordinary states into community development. The quick observation is that non-ordinary states including artistic insights and the genius of some charesmatic leaders cannot open a dialectic that willingly integrates actual understanding in groups and individuals who rely upon hoi polloi persona bound self conceptions. When the responsibility of internal identity is given to society the capacity to adapt is always subject to the norms, which naturally protect even factually debunked sunken values. In a complex system such as that of an embodied capable interdependent human Me~Mind, efficacious far from equilibrium solutions can be used to process continuously emergent knowledge that flows energetically within the ecosystem of this coherence. It is a systemically limiting error to arbitrarily make the subject of a human Me~Mind an isolated entitiy using natural language symbols, which overtly prevent congruent self referencing and then include this self limiting language in servant leadership training. The additional absurdity of attempting to help people make sense of their mental wellbeing without the necessary language for congruent self referencing provides a glaring example of self help industries embedded in systemic sunken errors that are no longer visible to even the professional practirioners. Ask a therapist what proved difficient about Descartes Cogito Ergo Sum, speak to your management trainer about how to invite insights from the strange loops in their research teams, ask your agile teams how many of their participants get energy from discovering new errors or safety teams how oftening winnowing of errors throughout the system takes place without resistances to better solutions. The most profound human understanding available from the present flow of information in the present of an embodied interdependent human Me~Mind, living one time forward lifetime is polluted by understanding limiting self conceptions. New paradigm knowledge concerning the The way in which an embodied human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime, opens the present, determines what knowledge can be processed in the present of that Me~Mind. Awareness arises through the use of our human perception and is parsed cognitively using our self conceptions, which create a bound ontology in the mind of even a human knowledge processing professional. The use of natural language to process emergent knowledge binds the self reflection even in a capable human Me~Mind to hidden errors that create false positives as antynomies abide in the language system, which is incomplete by its nature. If we truly seek profound understanding the upstream and downstream consequences of locating it in the present will form a natural framework for winnowing recursive errors. This blog is about the new ways that are available to process the continuosly emergent human knowledge flowing through the present of an embodied capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. The isolation of individual existance as a human Me~Mind occurs in imaginative local cultures in contra distinction to the modern scientific observations that affirm the interdependence of each embodied human Me~Mind, with capable sapient awareness. The myth of mankind is trapped in the minds of fearful small men among small things bound to debunked sunken values that impute human exceptionalism as an ought before thought. To be useful with AI it will be necessary that it is what we know not who we know by virtue of the professional Imurta required to be a senior member of a knowledge processing profession. When management and leadership trainors depend upon associations with big pharma and corporate governance in places like Boeing for their self esteem then it is clearly absurd to ask them to introduce any emergent knowledge processing improvements that would be iconoclastic for the people who hire them. the system demands ding we don't know, see or hear the systemic errors embedded in our professional prestige in serious knowledge work. Clear core willing to know now iStates provides a new present space for working eith AI to process emergent knowledge, during professional knowledge work. Servant leadership will help us integrate unique human insights from strange loop awareness without the biast obstructions of self conceptions that rely upon sunken values that are being debunked by emergent knowledge when the EmptiSelf conception is used in conjunction with clear process purposes which we can all commit to, like Positive Present Participation. The capacity to use an EmptiSelf conception paradigm as distinct from a culturally entailed persona bound self conception enables an effortless willingness to know that is enliven by the discovery of error in recollective processing of the continuously emergent human knowledge in the present of one time forward lifetime. This paradigm eschews ought bound identities that systemically create antynomies that make self referencing unrealiable over time. There is nothing to overcome as delusions were never there to begin with although the phanthom emotional pain can be as real as phantom pain after a limb is removed. It is absurd to imagine that we can be in life changing pain while processing emergent knowledge with a will for clarity. The method used for processing iteratively better understanding hinges upon the capacity of the human mind using the processing framework to use EmtpiSelf conception which requires the actual understanding of a paradigm shift that essentially eschews persona bound self conceptions that use linear structures and individual feelings to derive internalized meanings that oppose the naturally emergent knowledge that requires the disabuse of error in sunken values to enable continued emergence of the knowledge available in the present. faster and better in the present of I am concerned here with how we might better enable capable human minds and while significant improvements in providing remedial mental health may naturally emerge during the development of techniques and methods of application it is primarily concerned with opening the present for professional knowledge work. It is not controversial to suggest that how the present is opened in a dynamic complex system such as that within which self conception arises within a human mind will determine the limitations and capacities within that human mind to understand. The access that a human mind has to insightful understanding from beyond the normative is currently the subject of experiments throughout the first world using substances like Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, Ketamine and other activities like Holotropic Breathwork, none to these insights can be synthetically integrated into a normative personal life using natural language. The underlying cognitive challenges technical and practical have been outlined sufficiently by Prof Robert Brandom in his book A Spirit Of Trust which clarifies a need for infinite inclusion in the present of continuously emergent knowledge. When self conception is tied to sunken values that need to be debunked if we are to follow the emergent knowledge flow then a tension between our sense of inner stability will be undermined by the flow of emergent knowledge in the present. While it may not seem like it the differences could be compared to the difference between a flat earth and our earth inside our mindsets and dominant logics in groups of knower’s. The use of a psychoanalytic self conception which emerges through a normative linear social structure of discourse is in effect a brittle procrustean self conception where Self Esteem is tied to a Holon structure that gets its values from looking down upon other Non-U groups as determine by the fashions. First world white men struggle with the newly fashioned white man male role because early 21st Century impetus is to vainly attempt redress prior injustices caused in Non-U groups and the narrow mindsets of success that prevailed when they owned the world sometime between 1850 and 1963. The treatment of females as second class humans within the roots of psychoanalysis has not prevented male dominance of psychiatric medicine using the same roots. This blog concerns how a capable human mind can open the present using an empty ontology that enables infinite dynamic inclusion for maximum creativity and understanding in the present. In direct contrast to the knowledge suppressing ego/I self conceptions that are derivatives of cultures where the social pronoun 'I' is used as a root for self conception. The solutions use EmptiSelf conception and notably are not over against objects of mind such as ego/I self conceptions which arise naturally when we choose to use self conceptions that are bound by the shadows in the cave. Capable in one time forward lifetime The emergent knowledge processing solutions for use in professional knowledge work that are outlined with the Mi~iMind processing methods can be technically challenging as they require levelling up for all professional specialists and in this blog I will attempt to outline more generally the foundations of the solutions which hinge upon how we can open the present in our human Me~Minds, which are deemed to be essentially interdependent in nature as distinct from the separateness of ego/I self conceptions which will naturally oppose, repress and suppress emergent knowledge that threatens their anaphoric commitments. The attempts by western Psychoanalytic bound self conceptions to integrate mindfulness are arrogant, wilfully ignorant and dangerous, equivalent to trying to represent quantum theories using natural language, without mathematics. It is no secret that the Catholic church has problems with mindfulness and for good reason from within the world view of Christianity as mindfulness uses a no soul empty self conception that appears to argue against the Church in fact the reality is somewhat different and in understanding this reality a new utility emerges that can improve the speed we learn from experience by at least 50%. When we take the stick that looks bent in the water out, it may emerge that it was straight all along, it is not a straight stick in relationship with a bent stick, it is not denying the bent stick that we imagined we saw, similarly the soul derived from the isolated persona that is the bias in the Christian narrative The idea that underpins the human belief that the Universe has some malign intent toward humans comes from a time when we thought the world was flat and we were on a planet that was the centre of the Universe that had been created for our objective purposes. We have discovered that the truth in rational recollection including winnowing of our own misconceptions is indifferent to our wilful ignorance. No pronoun I or They can love a You that is a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. A pronoun is a word, which is not the Me~Mind in which it appears as it is a tribally derived sign within a locally limited bell curve of subject object normality. The ecological roots of a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime include wave particle awareness and other knowable unnameable in each capable interdependent human Me~Mind. Process management of iteratively better iStates in one time forward lifetime can be achieved using ground up feedback of simple clear core evanescent iStates, if the self conception in the Me~Mind is EmptiSelf conception. in a way that produces evil which Opening the present in a human Me~Mind, living one time forward lifetime, to follow the emergent knowledge flow. Redeeming the human mind from an ontology that imagines the nature of the human mind to be separate due to historical errors of perception concerning the centrality of humanity in the function and meaning of this time bound coherent Universe provides new opportunities for envisioning solutions and effortlessly following the emergent knowledge. Here I will try to outline the historical context of how the new Mi~iMind emergent knowledge solutions emerged using American pragmatics, Buddhist self conception, complexity theory and the abject failure of New age solutions in the anglophile communities which resulted in cults and cult like structures masquerading as University degrees. And the incapacity of natural language to manage self referencing

Where Do I Come From Mother

Sunday September 8, 2024

The anchoring of our identity in the pronoun I is far from safe, asking others to name us this or that, with a passionate need belies a fear captured self conception, trading the value of I in the self esteem market of the 80%. Arguing for goals and desires using feelings as meanings prevents lasting satisfaction. Schadenfreude is rationally absurd and indicates a polluted mindset.

The Best Of Intentions The Worst of Outcomes, Psychosynthesis in Britain & Ireland at the turn of the Centure

Saturday September 7, 2024

In 2005 my absence from a graduation where I was entitled to collect my masters in Psychosynthesis and a post Dip diploma was caused in my will not to argue at the protest that was due to take place at the ceremony promoted by a terminally ill graduate who had been shoddily treated by the institute of psychosynthesis.

There was subsequently a view taken by Roger Evans a director of the Institute that I was afraid to attend and he was correct, however I knew he did not know was what I knew about the force of reason
it was because I would have won the argument with reason and once reason brings your mind to new understanding the only way to deal with is to lance the error or live in denial.

No Two People See The Same Rainbow

Thursday August 29, 2024

In one time forward lifetime no two people see the same rainbow. The will to know now, to be aware now is actively polluted by the I that wills not to be aware. The light that fractures into colours we can see through the prism can be sent back to white light the information that flows through the I cannot be sent back in one time forward lifetime. The ecology of a time forward lifetime of awareness is bound to a present in time forward where new understanding emerges in the present not the past.

The willing awareness in the present is not over against what is arising in our I.

is the milky tea, we can never know if all the milk was put in before or after the pouring of the tea, or what the milk was.

The complexity within which our self awareness arises is now more visible to us our unfounded fears and mystery

Is Persona The Asbestos In The Mind Of The West

Thursday August 29, 2024

The concept of Persona crystalised for use in mental therapy by Sigmund Freud a white man who believed women did not have the same potential as men has its roots in oral traditions from within which descriptions of human identity arose and seeded our cultural identities.

Self conceptions derived using orally defined concepts of the human soul as a uniquely separate entity capable of living on in time forward while our human bodies decay and die akin to all other living creatures on Earth. That such concepts emerged in male dominated communities that sincerely believed the world was flat and the earth was at the centre of the Universe should give us pause during recollective reasoning.

We are not just on a planet that is not flat we come into being as humans in the present arising in time forward in one time forward lifetime within an observable pre existing complex system a concept that our flat earth ancestors could never have understood and Persona is not complex system ready no more than Ptolemy's map could help get Elon Musk into space.

Irrational Suicide of the personal I

Monday August 19, 2024

It is my willingness to discuss the issue of suicide that makes me think it is time to share these thoughts. When I was 19 my suicide attempt left me staring at the ceiling unable to move my toes or fingers flat on my back looking at the hospital ceiling with a clarity that my eyes no longer enable.

It had taken about 6 weeks to filch a sufficient amount of Grandmas prescription medication to succeed and succeed I would have had I but slept another hour and not walked in my sleep and fallen down the stairs while looking for the loo.

With time to think about my decision over the weeks I used my innocent interpretations of the world as a horrible place for a soul journey, where men whose world it was went to war as boys and never recovered, even if they survived.

The I in me that depended upon the We was existentially at risk as the cave within which the Ego/I is enslaved by virtue of the linear naming while in the dynamics of time forward within lifetime, even a capable human Me~Mind, is doomed by the emergent knowledge flow, like a village in an anciently Dammed valley that cannot pay taxes or survive time forward.

The I from We is never Me let alone all of Me, yet it is this I of Me the We wants.

Irrational Suicide of the personal I

Monday August 19, 2024

It is my willingness to discuss the issue of suicide that makes me think it is time to share these thoughts. When I was 19 my suicide attempt left me staring at the ceiling unable to move my toes or fingers flat on my back looking at the hospital ceiling with a clarity that my eyes no longer enable.

It had taken about 6 weeks to filch a sufficient amount of Grandmas prescription medication to succeed and succeed I would have had I but slept another hour and not walked in my sleep and fallen down the stairs while looking for the loo.

With time to think about my decision over the weeks I used my innocent interpretations of the world as a horrible place for a soul journey, where men whose world it was went to war as boys and never recovered, even if they survived.

The I in me that depended upon the We was existentially at risk as the cave within which the Ego/I is enslaved by virtue of the linear naming while in the dynamics of time forward within lifetime, even a capable human Me~Mind, is doomed by the emergent knowledge flow, like a village in an anciently Dammed valley that cannot pay taxes or survive time forward.

The Personal Pronoun I is bent in a capable human Me~Mind as a stick is bent in the water

Monday August 19, 2024

The stick that is removed from the water reveals itself as straight the I that came from the sea of We cannot be easily extracted from that sea of We that was our village of origins idea of what an I should be. In complex systems the end is in the beginning before the human poetry declares a mystery.

Some of the educated amongst us have heard, considered and debated about the story of the stick appearing bent in the water until it is revealed as straight which has been used since the ancient greeks as an example of how appearance without examination and testing is unreliable and it turns out that our personal I pronoun is actually similarly distorted in how it appears in each of us privately.

Before some technical explanation of why our I is bent our Me~Minds

The Personal Pronoun I is bent in a capable human Me~Mind as stick is bent in the water

Monday August 19, 2024

The stick that is removed from the water reveals itself as straight the I that came from the sea of We cannot be easily extracted from that sea of We that was our village of origins idea of what an I should be. In complex systems the end is in the beginning before the human poetry declares a mystery.

Some of the educated amongst us have heard, considered and debated about the story of the stick appearing bent in the water until it is revealed as straight which has been used since the ancient greeks as an example of how appearance without examination and testing is unreliable and it turns out that our personal I pronoun is actually similarly distorted in how it appears in each of us privately.

Before some technical explanation of why our I is bent our Me~Minds

Personal Identity In A Dynamic Complex System

Sunday August 11, 2024

The milk is in the Tea already asking if the Tea or the Milk was poured first will not let us separate them subsequently. The name of my I is in Me before I know it and the naming convention upon which it depends is in Me when I understand it.

The isolation of a name in a complex system leaves individuals emerging into life from that name vulnerable to mistaken views of what and who they are along with leaving them susceptible to interventions from some who believe they can help them take separate the tea and the milk.

Imagine a world where people thought the world was flat and the inconsistencies were explained by mystical connections with the divine or some unknowable unconsciousness within the individuals conception of their perceptions. Now imagine a world where a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime in time present lived experiences compiled in iStates of awareness bundled in stories with inconsistent sunken values as cornerstones of self conception the for the present.

mplexity offers us a relatively new conception although it was ever thus. The

Tracing The Limits Of Laid Lines In Hoi Polloi iStates

Friday August 9, 2024

That story about, when you are lost in the Forrest, stand still the trees and the bushes are not lost, was a thorn in the side of my ease in my New Age phase and the solution was so simple and prior that it took years to find. Finding the questions that resonate already in us locally provides an easy start to trace the will to know insights that inspire us and the level of the mystery as it appears in the stories of our individual hoi polloi iStates.

We all construct our first ego I persona using the stories of the We of our villages of origin and for that reason alone we can expect even what may seem as intuitive responses to lived experiences in the present to be self limiting filters of perceptions. Multiple structural reasons exist that make it impossible for parents to understand because their function is rightly defined as teaching survival techniques to their children in an inconsistent system that requires pragmatic engagement to provide a choice between being a perpetrator or a victim, a next level trolly problem

Psychosynthesis Doomed by all too human pride and humility

Sunday August 4, 2024

Before gender, race or creed, self conception is the hidden ceiling in perception interpretations in the present of one time forward lifetime, in capable human Me~Minds.

While personally practising esoteric Eastern meditative practices the psychiatrist Roberto Assagolli devised the Psychosynthesis approach to spiritual awakening using a will based approach to understanding and guiding our understanding in our sub personalities. The reaching into the day to day life with the new proposition that there is a knowable spiritual awareness within us that can guide our sub personalities with a new loving vision was a humble effort by a wonderfully inspirational psychiatrist, to share the freedom and release he gained from his own practice. The hoi polloi iStates we arise in every day are never the same and coming at and understanding this from the perspective of the present in time forward it is salutary guide to contrast the time he gave to therapeutic retelling of past stories 'and that;s ok too' type of approach when he was explaining it to those with capable minds

The quality of what can be known in a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime in a series of evanescent iStates of awareness in the present in relationship with lived experience is bound to time forward before the first word is uttered, shared and understood.

Emergent human knowledge flows in a time forward lifetime disabusing sunken values with indifferently evolutionary effects where more knowledge exists regardless of human suffering caused by a will not to know specifically bound to a naturally vulnerable self conception that is bound to the absurd notion that the Greeks could have known better than us based upon a Euodimina that derpends upon riding the passions in a constant ebb and flow of object bound desires we could have

Taking The One Out Of Oneself, avoid irrational suicide

Sunday August 4, 2024

The feelings of wanting to shrivel up and die when we are embarrassed over time belie the absurdity of the intensity of our emotional involvement with embarrassment. We can all remember some moment that now seems even funny when the deep feelings of shame and embarrassment flushed through us like a shiver with with poison sugar rush on steroids flushing through.

Changing our personal I can help us

Naturally some people will think there is no such thing as rational suicide and be tempted to ask why we need to be concerned about irrational suicide and the reason is simple because many people who attempt and commit suicide construct irrational arguments to commit suicide.

Wittgenstein this and that I for Me, the sin is in the wavelength

Thursday August 1, 2024
Games that begin and end with the sin in a wavelength cannot be played played without space in the present of one time forward lifetime to know the unnameable and manifold dimensions where patterns and symmetries may be known in a present evanescent iState. Working with emptiness as a given opens new points of engagement with energy in motion in the present a new null state where choice opens new possibilities by allowing events to be caused by nothing.

Bright, Clever, Stupid

Wednesday July 31, 2024

It always baffled me how I could be bright, clever and stupid in less than 5 minutes.

It was easy to put it down to mental illness after my failed suicide attempt and rejection of a dream job. Cleverly solving social schemes by becoming what other people want or need while hacking the system I lived in made me willingly stupid, when I imaginatively took on the role of the fool from Shakespeare who was of course the smartest person in the room, in the plays, if not in my very real life.

My inevitable lack of awareness around fashionable clubbable behaviour would appear like an unwelcome priest in a story by Camus inviting me to die with absolution while knowing I was faithlessly falling again unforgivably, without knowing why the rational Mathematics did not guide my choice. The I that cannot yield to reason isolates the identity in any human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

A special type of yielding, from the inside out enables anieling of the srrident I in my mind.

The First I Tumbles Into Me From Others

Tuesday July 9, 2024

Before the instrumental I in Me~Mind, the first I others served me was the I from the We of others.

The hand moves and the causal is revealed emergent knowledge disabuses energetically in capable embodied human Me~Minds living one time forward lifetime.

There are ways we can open a dialectic with the most creative spaces within our minds and if we think that living in self conceptions which filter all perceptions using sentients alone is absurd working to know while actively filtering the knowledge through a self conception that is incapable of understanding the knowable unnameable removes manifold symmetries of understanding.

Psychosynthesis Insightful Intuition and More Than A Gimmick

Monday July 8, 2024

The abject failure of governance at Boing aircraft company belies a pragmatic danger for new age and mindful awareness techniques introduced to big business as they were exposed to some of the most advances and insightful management training during the 1990's by Tony White an inspired trainer whose approach was wonderful example of servant leadership approach to governance with growth.

The idea that a psychosynthesis trainer is proud of being a supplier of services to big pharma belies a problem for a psychosynthesis if big pharma ever go the way of boing and misuse their power as Boing did when they blamed african pilots of inferior standards as part of their attempts to cover the problems with their products not that big pharma have done anything wrong in africa which is not openly discussed amongst the psychosynthesis trainers and the big

Life, Understand The Game or Right Intuition Wrong Game

Friday July 5, 2024

The most pragmatic amongst us make our children capable of surviving in the social absurdity of modern and postmodern life because survival is always the first requirement of providing them with safety. For those of us who have the chance to live a life beyond survival the most delectable present is often the discovery of the new better way, a new better way from beyond the holon cannot be born in the present from shadows on a cave wall.

To be clear the structure of the better game of living one time forward lifetime a is present prior to the start of any human iState of awareness in the present by virtue of emergent knowledge flow occurring within a time forward framework.

and it needs to be of the form the goal and the path are one and the location of the win is in the present.

When we get it wrong millions of people suffer unnecessarily, knowing when it is wrong using suffering as the calibration creates a self limiting holon.

There are the infinity limiting hoi polloi game sets which use names, seas of we and villages of we made simple with U and Non-U local fashions created with exceptionalist self conception in mans measure of his time here on this planet.

The game began before the first human iState in a human Me~Mind and its structure is indifferent to wilful human error during recollective reasoning, the truth is indifferent to human ignorance because it is prior to and beyond the present in any human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime in the present.

What remains is the time forward context within which emergent knowledge flows in the present of one time forward lifetime, the sin in the wavelength energy in the present provides a link to the flow of energy in the present including the energy of information.

Euler's e is more likely to be a better link to the knowable unnameable in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime than Mahler's fifth. The insights of young artists Like Billie Eilish or Jeorge seek to talk of the unnameable and the longing belies the TAO gap as the territory begins in the human Me~Mind that can know and be willingly aware of manifold dimensions and infinities that even the most mundane in us can experience with the use of psychedelics and chanting and screaming and dancing and and none of us can ever name or own in some persistent I in me.

The Pronoun I is not my name in Me

Wednesday July 3, 2024

How we understand the pronoun I in me can be a matter of life or death or imposter syndrome, particularly for male youths and young men although the sharing of a dysfunctional internalized status with females has narrowed the disparities without reducing the male vulnerability caused by the use of conflated self conception derived from the I of from the sea we in our villages of origin.

There can be a clear awareness of a symmetry in a human Me~Mind during one time forward lifetime where the knowable unnameable is present. Performance in sport or entertainment and artistic creation, can cause a visceral experiences in the present that cannot be described in words and often if not always in some lived experiences provides a moment when the I of me is absent. The knowable unnameable reveals itself in our mind and how we respond belies our habitual psychological and cultural responses. Shamans throughout the ages have struggled with their capacity to influence and who they are in their village of origin.

We may witness or participate in non ordinary states and they cannot be adequately, accurately or plausibly be called I in me. The issue is at the root of fearful confusion that causes conflation of the I in me with the self in me and we can erroneously convince ourselves that we should kill ourselves because the self is being derived using the I in me.

The Thou From We is not the TAO of which we may not speak

Wednesday July 3, 2024

The cognitive processing of emergent knowledge flows for better understanding within present iStates that are compiled using U and Non-U fashionable derivatives are are analogous of what processed food is for nutrition and digestive health.

Although Western attempts at dialogue with the Chinese TAO insights have been respectful in the main the essential nature of the TAO is more akin to the e in Euler's theorem in the flow of a human Me~Mind prior to and presently beyond the pronoun I from our We cultures in our villages of origin that produce our linear U and Non-U sets in our local fashions.

The contingent nature of the pronoun I in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime is local and social and the Thou of "I Thou" is also a derivative with the inherent issues that derivatives carry.

The Thou From We is not the TAO of which we may not speak

Wednesday July 3, 2024

The cognitive processing of emergent knowledge flows for better understanding within iStates that are compiled using U and Non-U fashionable derivatives are are analogous of what processed food is for nutrition and digestive health.

Although Western attempts at dialogue with the Chinese TAO insights have been respectful in the main the essential nature of the TAO is more akin to the e in Euler's theorem in the flow of a human Me~Mind prior to and beyond the pronoun I from our We cultures in our villages of origin that produce our linear U and Non-U sets in our local fashions.

The contingent nature of the pronoun I in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime is local and social and the Thou of "I Thou" is also a derivative with the inherent issues that derivatives carry.

The Thou From We is not the TAO of which we may not speak

Wednesday July 3, 2024

The cognitive processing of emergent knowledge flows within iStates that are compiled using U and Non-U fashionable derivatives are are analogous of what processed food is for nutrition and digestive health.

Although Western attempts at dialogue with the Chinese TAO insights have been respectful in the main the essential nature of the TAO is more akin to the e in Euler's theorem in the flow of a human Me~Mind prior to and beyond the pronoun I from our We cultures in our villages of origin that produce our linear U and Non-U sets in our local fashions.

The contingent nature of the pronoun I in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime is local and social and the Thou of "I Thou" is also a derivative with the inherent issues that derivatives carry.

Some Simple Self Evidence, concerning naming and identity.

Monday July 1, 2024

To de risk, avoid catastrophic failure and reduce the pain of identity tied to sunken values, look at the simple and create a feedback loop.

To be willing to follow the continuous emergent knowledge flow in the present of one time forward lifetime, conflating self conception with brittle identities bound to sunken values that cannot survive inferential understanding, hobbles the present.

A child of, a sibling of, a parent of, a mother of, a father of, a grandparent of, an aunt of, an uncle of, turning 21, names of times in the life of a Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime, which of them fully me.

Identity derived from name is a fragile home for one time forward lifetime, sincere loving intelligent parents got it wrong and I got it wrong and get it wrong about me.

The illusion of a smorgasbord of cultural choice that presents itself to every generation in post modern society is self limiting. The structure of the limitations are systemic as society exists in a holon maintained by natural language as is illustrated by the ruminations of United States supreme court of late. It is not a question of good or bad education alone, it is a question about where to I begin in me.

The ontology from which my iStates arise in Mi~iMind originates in the sea of We that my village of origin swam like Swans in and the U and Non-U crest upon my current status.

current residence

The use of a pathway, paved with empty paving stones in the present from the inside out in an embodied, interdependent human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime is a feature of the Mi~iMind emergent human knowledge solutions.

This description cannot be understood without the experience of understanding the nous in the present the comes from a clear view of the deontic and inferential although what can help to un

is part of the solution

Hoi Polloi iStates, The Unexamined Life

Monday June 24, 2024

For 80% of our embodied Me~Mind iStates the hoi polloi bound life is worth living and there are at least two infinities available for use with our passionately identified iStates, which we can inhabit along with the self imposed mystery of the knowable unnameable. The Shamen knows the unnameable the person in the Me~Mind that is the Shaman in words does not, in Paraquay with Aiwescha or Stone Henge at the salstice.

The hoi polloi iState is systemically bound for many reasons and therefore shows er

Staying Where People Love You

Tuesday June 18, 2024

For just a little while, the lecturer became the case study, the observed rat in the maze in a freshman Psychology class at Trinity College Dublin in autumn during the mid 1980's. The subject was Behaviourism a branch of psychology much vaunted by dating sites and security services even today and the focus was upon how our individual behaviour can be controlled by others in a group. Prior to a subsequent lecture the class agreed to look at the lecturer only when he was on one side of the lectern and most particularly when he was at the outer edge of the stage on that side of the lectern. Yes he ended up spending most of his time in the unfamiliar place at the edge of the stage because when he was there the class looked at him.

The people pleaser and the imposter in us knows this response and our inner critic knows how we respond when we find ourselves in the thrall of some apparently irrational neediness that can be sensed internally in a capable human Me~Mind by a change on our breathing rhythm which announces the onset our familiar fight and flight responses, more times than not.