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Mi~iMind as right livelihood

otonyoadmin - 2024-10-04 11:48 - (0 Reads)

If we want to know a bit more about what we are maybe we could open a few more infinities before we bind the quest.

The essential function of the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions being tested here is the creation of willing to know now evanescent iState awareness in the present of one time forward lifetime in a capable interdependent human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime in part within a professional knowledge processing role.

Mi~iMind seeks only to provide self validating rational solutions for processing emergent human knowledge, using a soul free self conception that can cogently orientate in the present of one time forward lifetime. The 2 truths self conception is repurposed as EmptiSelf conception within evanescent awareness iStates in an capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. Capable of understanding even the mere intellectual understanding of the of the heart sutra and applying the recollective processing of process purposes bound to positive present participation with current emergent knowledge flows.

The use of EmptiSelf conception can be viewed as a hinge for using far from equilibrium solutions from the 20% of our iStates that are capable of being willing to know now. Hoi polloi iStates are will bound attention identifications usually appearing in natural language ian including the personal pronoun I.

after which the mothering of now in time forward

in the present ex nihilo

not an emptiness as a subsequent arising to a persona bound hoi polloi iState an imputed self conception proud an emptiness arising as profound

A New Simple Language For Multivalent Inclusion

otonyoadmin - 2024-09-18 13:05 - (0 Reads)

Human conscious awareness is overtly multivalent from within a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. The capacity to use multivalent logic to include knowable unnameable understanding requires an internal paradigm shift to avoid the strain and stress of the heroic and the tragic in the pettifogging resistances to emergent knowledge flow, identities that depend upon not knowing need not be bothered with the idea of trying to be willing to know. This is a hollow deck with hollow men masquerading in the myth of the given which socially conflates delusions with objective reality denoted by a U-Set and a Non-U set, which systemically causes a holon where the U-set is consistently at the highest point in the bell curve around the norm. While it may be socially understandable why a person might genuinely belief in the power of religion to quench the pains of doubt, guilt, shame and sin it is in the lived experience where understanding causes widespread forgiveness' in one time forward lifetime.

The Doubtless Self, Lifelong Antifragile Resilience

otonyoadmin - 2024-09-18 09:01 - (0 Reads)

In a capable human Me~Mind that can merely understand the 2 truths intellectually the Doubtless Self reveals its nature and location in one time forward lifetime. Orientation in a time forward consciousness is bound to the becoming present which systemically cannot use linear hierarchies for navigation within such a time bound consciousness. Feelings can be winnowed from reasoned routes in the myth of the given.

survives the discovery of the understanding emptiness of everything, sign and substance
in the capable embodied human mind, in one time forward lifetime, after understanding emerges in a private present

discovering the emptiness in sign and substance,

mere intellectual understanding understanding of the 2 truths

The pleasure of identifying and winnowing systematic error

otonyoadmin - 2024-09-17 10:09 - (0 Reads)

Understanding as a lived experience is bound in the dynamic of one time forward lifetime as the embodied Me~Mind, before and beyond the I pronoun. Emergent knowledge flows through the present where the I that came from the sea of We in Me~Mind naively claims ownership of Me~Mind. The self conception derivatively bound to these naive misconceptions resists and suffers a need to corrupt information to maintain cognitive consistency. The stick was never bent as it entered the water although the reflection from above embedded the bentness in the birth of the ontology like a butterfly flapping its wings and causing too many metaphors to appear in the present.

Erradicating the enemy of understanding in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

System Administrator - 2024-09-07 14:20 - (0 Reads)

The identity that is affirmedd by tumescent passionate engagement is enchanted by hero heroine stories from within the history of human self conception. The idea that a country like the USA, by its own calculations about 250 years old can self identitify as the best country in the world as affirmed by a population who have never travelled belies for the sharper mind the willing delusions that U and Non-U groups create in young uneducated people of all genders and races.,

Normatively Successful Anglophile White Male

System Administrator - 2024-09-06 14:59 - (0 Reads)

The anglophile categorization is a broad philosophical differentiation UK/USA and others although the differences in Canada, New Foundland, Ireland, Wales and Scotland create significant nuances in the northern hemisphere in white male normative identity and the anglophile Celt (Irish, Scots, Welsh) is a species all to themselves.

The simple system uses sets of U

Me Refracted, in my I from U and Non-U

System Administrator - 2024-09-06 08:25 - (0 Reads)

When we walk in a hall of mirrors where the embodied consciousness is reflected back to the here and now in Me~Mind the gap between the vision and the here and now provides an insight for some into the perceptible gaps between lived experience and evanescent iState of cogent awareness, the wobble between orientation and disorientation occurs accompanied by private ontological feelings and desires already loaded with intentionality.

Orientation in the present is essential to navigation in one time forward lifetime only an I that knows life as a person is afraid to die the way such an I can be afraid to die, the shame of Non-U, in our U societies whether lawyers or criminals belies a hide bound self conceptions that may know that it is in a theatre of the absurd and know that there are no exits that cannot survive disabuse of the debunking of meaning created using conflated feeling in relationship with some notion of a persistent entity within me

Changing The Meaning of Mi~iMind ignorance

System Administrator - 2024-09-05 14:53 - (0 Reads)

If the present in one time forward lifetime is where and when emergent knowledge flows in a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime since before the I from the sea of We in Me, then .....

Just now what is the attitude required for ever better understanding if it is not a willing to know now evanescent iState in a capable embodied interdependent Me~Mind.

How To Connect Hoi Polloi iStates With Mi~iWitness awareness

System Administrator - 2024-09-05 10:43 - (0 Reads)

Mi~iWitness awareness is a hinge for using the Mi~iMind emergent human knowledge solutions in professional knowledge roles. It relies upon an understanding of EmptiSelf conception to be fully opened to manifold infinities so in the context of Hoi Polloi iStates the limited infinites available are sufficient starting point.

Mind The Gap, Tracing The Gaps

System Administrator - 2024-09-04 10:09 - (0 Reads)

There are manifold gaps in our self knowledge profiles that are caused by our persistent use of the limited infinities available in natural language and no amount of human regret will change this fact or the emergent reality that truth is indifferent to wilful human ignorance, whether we call it suppression or repression of the will to know in our hoi polloi iStates. That we can masquerade as something we are not using act as if to prime our identities for objects of desire is a skill we have as humans to take on descriptive identities from the outside in, using points in time in one time forward lifetime to bind self conception in a capable human Me~Mind.

The Structure Of Self Esteem in Ego Psychology

System Administrator - 2024-09-03 11:14 - (0 Reads)

We have imbibed Maslow's 1940's hierarchy of needs by osmosis in the later stages of the 20th century and the first quarter of the 21 Century, a structure that systemically binds us to a fixed linear structure of sunken values upon which the concept of self esteem and motivation are founded in many self help interventions over the past 50 years.

Like any conjecture provided using language bound theories of self conception in relationship with imputed subject object goals the teleological nature of the structure exposes the goals as brittle hinges that cannot willingly follow emergent knowledge flows that disabuse the thesis underpinning the theories.

We can see the evidence all around us however a stark example is the state of GP's health in developed post modern society where the internalized notion of integrity and service bound to the social status of the role stands in stark contradiction to the self consciousness within the the GP's as evidenced by the drug addiction levels within the group that belie neurotic suffering within the identity often sharpened by the private realization that the ego/I of a GP is not more able to truly care about the wellbeing of patients than any other human and indeed the practice of using patients as testing zones for new drugs for money and perks often trumps caring in the game of being a GP.

Simple Solutions In A Complicated Mind

System Administrator - 2024-09-01 08:58 - (0 Reads)

A great deal of what we call our knowledge is understood now to flow through what we internalize as our identity, which informs our most cherished parts of our life our partners, our religion, our children our family our friends, all of whom we imagine as having identities that should somehow chime with our language story about them although we know that there is not language story about Me that can map Me from the outside in. Our attempts to make normative stories of identity substantial is a tragedy in the making as the dynamics of emergent understanding for even a capable human mind is already set in time forward before the Me mind emerges from the womb.

The persona, with historical connections to the soul, is here referred to as being one of the hoi polloi iStates, which are normative iStates bound to the We of us and our villages of origin.

In Dublin where I was a child in search of an identity the people once believed the world was flat in New York nobody of consequence or inconsequence has believed the world was flat, people from New York sometimes imagine they are smarter because they never believed the world was flat, are they?

Two Types of Imaginative Capacity

System Administrator - 2024-08-28 20:41 - (0 Reads)

Imagination even in a capable human Me~Mind living a modern time forward lifetime can be hobbled by self conception as the emotional agony, Frege, Godel and Turing suffered as scientists in parallel with James and Wilde and Capote the shallowness of the contradictions required to make the linear systems of categories consistent by a cognitive dissonance that uses nonsense like a populist political party where the leader is the I pronoun passionately proud and shameful in the country of a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

Learning What We Want From What We Get

System Administrator - 2024-08-28 20:31 - (0 Reads)

There are people who have always been able to get what they want and there are people who want what they get, these two groups have something in common that not all of the two groups share and there are people who have not been able to get what they want because their self conception prevents them from reaching for opportunities to get that arise in the present.

Even people who love Marmite can have more than enough Marmite in one time forward lifetime, because flavours like feelings can thrill as positive or negative in the present.

Getting is a function without a value. The issue is about how not who or why. People who can get whatever they want use their subject object desires to set goals that will or will not deliver the satisfaction required. If we seek a flavour in the present we know we only want it for a short time, from our experiences of over indulgence.

Tragedy Seeded In Me With The Persona

System Administrator - 2024-08-28 08:26 - (0 Reads)

The idea that a capable human Me~Mind, living one time forward lifetime can be selfish is derived using isolated persona notions of self identity that originate in oral traditions that believed we as a species were the core purposeful telos. The isolation causes us to imagine we are humble in some selfless way when yielding to what was always true. It was always true that the I derived from We began in a village that once believed the world was flat although it never was.

The Pope fought the emergent knowledge flow and the flow won, the emergent knowledge game is played upon the crest of the present, where sunken values underpinning self conception that were never there to begin with are revealed as human misconceptions, superior knowledge processing involves the ability to eschew misconceptions.

The Me That Is Never I

Content Curator - 2024-08-28 07:05 - (0 Reads)

The world was never at the centre of this our Universe, the world was never flat and we no more than any species ware never bound to linguistically defined teleological purposes. The very least this suggests is that we begin again to look at what and who we are not through the misconceptions from our history but from here and now, with what we know now, including our modern understanding of emergence in a complex system.

purpose flat or in the centre of this Universe the stick was never bent in the water and enumerable other misconceptions revolving around our human, all too human misconceptions, we can infer clearly that the human self conception refracts and creates illusions of reality through which emergent human knowledge cannot flow unpolluted

Changing The Change Game

System Administrator - 2024-08-27 08:02 - (0 Reads)

The persona bound self conception that sought to fill the present with normative solutions provided by our orally cultured We relied upon isolated villages of identity with inhabitants who had little choice but to pragmatically be what they needed to be to survive in those villages of origin. White privately educated boys like Boris Johnson and Donald Trump and Elon Musk were taught that they were the top of human pile looking down at everyone who would be them if they had a choice. The exceptions like Stephen Fry and many many others found themselves adrift flailing unjustly cast amongst the Philistines whose certainty belies their shallowness. There is no correcting this ship we all must start again in the present willing to know from the flow of emergent knowledge as these isolated villages hinged upon wilful ignorance from the I of We in even the best of our embodied human Me~Minds. Winning the wrong game is a tragedy in the life of some of the best trained minds in the West as they are trained for performance without the use of far from equilibrium solutions.

Dreams of another possible life wrapped in romantic scenarios that affirmed the pre existing culture ignored the the gender and racial inequality of what past as the best of mankind.

An essential difference enabled by the dynamic mapping of iStates using evanescent iStates rather than persona bound Hoi Polloi iStates is that we are not asking an habitually identified persona or sub persona personality to behave in a way that is different. The why that is at the heart of the Psychoanalytic program which seeks to identify past causes for aberrant current behaviour is eschewed using how solutions guided by ever better iStates using ideal attitudes in iRoles guided by process purposes bound to Positive, Present Participation.

Persona An Existential Risk To Self Identity The Integrity Of Existing Knowledge

System Administrator - 2024-08-25 06:04 - (0 Reads)

Living is being made emotionally unbearable by a man made self conception derived using persona identities from the 19th Century. Western psychology is in denial about the inherent flaws and limitations of the persona as a source from which to derive self conception and the self esteem self conceptions which they produce are inherently unsafe for use throughout a human life particularly a life that may continue until we are 100 years. Living is being

The quality of existing knowledge requires regular and thorough inspection by the professionals using the knowledge to construct and prostilatize that knowledge. Psychologists will have no difficulty telling builders of a house a home or an organization built in the 1990's using raac that they made an error and should not continue to build such structures for humans we truly care about in the present. There are several examples of man made products used in the shelters we called homes and hospitals where the foundations of the bricks was suspect or the asbestos in the attic was killing us not protecting us, Persona self conceptions are similarly flawed as the roots of self conception.

Identify and replace pain patterns using recollective reasoning

System Administrator - 2024-08-24 20:34 - (0 Reads)

Disabuse can be emotionally painful particularly when it undermines a cornerstone of self conception. The discovery of the truth about Santa Claus reveals internally some of our uniquely individual patterns from childhood. Sensitive emotions that linger in sensious embodied triggers like smells and sounds and tastes or music or touch reveal our pre packaged meanings that have no rational roots.

Our concern is not to identify and stop the pattern by being over against the pattern as a matter of form rather to simply identify the pattern and its influence upon clarity of vision and or processing of deontic imperatives.

Schadenfreude A Hoi Polloi Indicator

otonyoadmin - 2024-08-21 11:29 - (0 Reads)

Schadenfreude like articulated yuck responses indicate an identification within Hoi Polloi iStates that have normative self conception values tied to emotions to create meaning using the conflation of sapiens and sentients.

Satisfying Desires

otonyoadmin - 2024-08-17 05:28 - (0 Reads)

I cant find what I'm looking for and I can't get know satisfaction represent famous popular expressions of mystery for the uninformed minds of the young. The anguish of imaging that there is an objective statement of desire available as a name
When we see the mystery that surrounds desire in modern and postmodern culture in the light of advances in pragmatics we can see that the mystery is baked into the presentation much the way a hidden piece of information makes the earth look flat and the reality seems like a mystery.

All The Lonely People Where Do They All Come From?

System Administrator - 2024-08-14 12:38 - (0 Reads)

Hoi Polloi iStates promote loneliness in capable human Me~Minds, living one time forward lifetime.

Using a natural language bound to a cultural story of self conception for self identify during the one time forward lifetime in a capable human Me~Mind is absurd because such a system cannot recognize the EmptiSelf conception that can be witnessed as arising from the strange loop and includes the knowable unnameables.

Modern Shamans would serve their esoteric knowledge better if they understood that language no matter how eloquent imparts nothing more than what can be observed as absent in the present awareness during a moment of deeper insight from manifold infinities that would smile if they cared at the absurd assumption that humans should be able to coalesce around the popular and easily understood and let the Universe take heed and follow. It is like looking back at an embarrasing fashion that you know you lived for at some other time in this time forward lifetime. Investment Bankers are derivatives themselves it is absurd that they imagine they can see the whole and decide what is superior for mankind knowing what they do, if they know their maths.

Caring Is Not A Value

System Administrator - 2024-08-09 10:36 - (0 Reads)

The people who care the most often kill the most people, even the people who sincerely imagine they are killing people because they care about people. The context is what gives caring a value and understanding this can help us understand why feelings are meaningless without context.

Hoi polloi contexts justify killing and favour human enjoyment of killing during hunting, which illustrates how a context can make suffering animals and humans fun for a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime in values derived using hoi polloi iStates.

Understanding A Time Forward Lifetime In The Present

System Administrator - 2024-08-08 14:07 - (0 Reads)

I am here and now thinking the word, now writing this word, now reading this word, now understanding the sentence as an illustration in time now of the transit of meaning in time forward. Venus appears as the morning star to the Me~Mind human viewer never able to understand the meaning of the evening star except as twins made in a human now in a transit if evanescent iStates.

We make three things with one and beget a mystery that was never there to begin with.

More understanding flows from this understanding and the emergent knowledge flows in the continuous present of one time forward lifetime.

We have some particular challenges that use feather light awareness to provide meticulous calibration and management of ever better willing to know now evanescent iStates. The facts of the matter are obvious although they can be obscured by imaginative cognitive dissonance that treats the fusion of sentients and sapiens as meaningful using underpinnings of human exceptionalism. If there ever was an authentic Platonic form it would affirm human exceptionalism inherently as at least the tool of the devine.

Why The Truth Is Unbearable For Persona Bound Self Conception

System Administrator - 2024-08-08 13:01 - (0 Reads)

The embedded essential reason why persona bound self conception is constantly in existential danger in one time forward lifetime is because life in lived in present experiences happens in time forward. Using a persona bound self conception to navigate a time forward lifetime is similar to using a land compass for navigation at sea.

Sailors know that a gyroscopic compass is needed at sea to enable orientation as the first coordinates required for better navigation. Cloud cover bad weather with heaving seas is not the best time to take your bearings while flat calm and clear skies provide the best opportunities to know where you are in relationship with where you are going.

Persona Positively Negative, Who Is Your Daddy?

System Administrator - 2024-08-06 21:59 - (0 Reads)

The imputation of mystery into systemically obscured gaps can be viewed as a down filled pillow for the gaps in the unmapped extant territory in the then current cohesion in a capable human me~Mind being in an iState of awareness, where the knowable unnameable may arise beyond language or iState, universally cohesive, cogent within manifold infinities in the present of one time forward lifetime. Human vision refracted through the limitations of hoi polloi iStates bound in language and local cultures involving human exceptionalism including the best of western pscho spiritual applications for professional use with the persona within coaching and training is limited by its ontology which curtails emergent knowledge flow in the present not because it is some human mystery simply because the negative is a response to the extant 1 in oneself and even before philosophers load the logic they must now bow to the mathematics in complex systems, where subject object bound desire paths are bound to sunken values which hampers the mothering of the present ex nihilo.

Nobility Is Systemically Neutered by hoi polloi bound self conceptions

System Administrator - 2024-08-06 13:08 - (0 Reads)

The idea of nobility in the middle classes as an example of the local societal norms is overtly stunted by their systemic bindings to the mediocre honed by the polite to ensure no unboundaried admissions to the club.

The emancipation of trade masquerading as profession belies a cunning bending of the knee by the blood line aristocracy whose pragmatism has traditionally allowed it to follow the power with or without God.

Processing Information With Better Understanding and Wisdom

System Administrator - 2024-08-05 17:17 - (0 Reads)

There is only a need to agree one piece of wisdom in relationship with the context, which is processing emergent knowledge flows in the present of one time forward lifetime in a capable human Me~Mind to begin using present orientation and while it may be obvious once seen it is essential to the calibration of the speed and depth of understanding being processed in the present.

Understanding as near to the present as possible when processing emergent knowledge using the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions provides a speed hinge for the calibration of ever better willing to know now evanescent iStates.

Mi~iMind uses a Null State as first caused

System Administrator - 2024-08-02 17:53 - (0 Reads)

A a common sense level we might consider our will in a hoi polloi iState as strong or weak, positive or negative. A simple I want water state is easy to understand as thirst that has a physical and mental presence as a combination of sentience and sapient awareness a mixture like tea with milk or water with milk or sugar with water, in other words the state in the present awareness is neither fully one thing or the other and amounts to something particular that can be named to flag a particular inner awareness, which like the liquid mixtures always has a sense of will in the way the liquid mixtures have a sense of flavour.

The Simplest Truth In Me About Mi~iMind

System Administrator - 2024-07-26 10:30 - (0 Reads)

The complexity solutions used to calibrate and manage ever better iStates in one time forward lifetime in a capable human Me~Mind depend upon simple ground up feedback loops.

Before the first I in an interdependent Me~Mind from the "We see in U" much is known and understood, including the knowable unnameable, the languaging of all of Me, with I in Me is incomplete.

The Simplest Truth In Me About Mi~iMind

System Administrator - 2024-07-26 10:30 - (0 Reads)

The complexity solutions used to calibrate and manage ever better iStates in one time forward lifetime in a capable human Me~Mind depend upon simple ground up feedback loops.

Before the first I in an interdependent Me~Mind from the "We see in U" much is known and understood, including the knowable unnameable, the languaging of all of Me, with I in Me is incomplete.

Identity With No More I Love You's

System Administrator - 2024-07-26 08:43 - (0 Reads)

The tumescent longing to say I love you is is dormant until the experience of being in love occurs and the difference between romantic love and real love is glimpsed for parents who love their new bornes. True love we know does not change when it alteration finds and causes the divorce rate to become a proof of the absence of true love.

There is no persona I in the presence of the nature of true love which is infinitely receptive nature of true love in humans and the claim by the I of persona that they are what loves is not different than the I that claims authorship of natural talent.

Process Purposes Independent, Forensic, Focused process purposes,

System Administrator - 2024-07-23 13:40 - (0 Reads)

The complexity science that underpins the solution is independent, forensic and capable of focusing using ground up information from the present in one time forward lifetime. As sentient sapient beings processing currently emergent human knowledge using the energy of information passes through internalized identities that impute meaning using feelings from experiences in our locally lived lives.

When Human Identity Is Over Against Human Reason, evolution supports survival of the fittest

System Administrator - 2024-07-21 10:02 - (0 Reads)

This is not a game that wrong can win and not being willing to understand the emergent knowledge flow removes the capacity to identify the wrong.

Deontic and inferential truth bound indications provide navigation points in mental reasoning that adhere to a logical framework that can be guided by mathematics for a capable human mind, emerging in an embodied Me~Mind during one time forward lifetime.

We may find some traces of the Tao with e that we cannot speak of here and now with words that can only do what it says on their tin, particularly we cannot speak with self in Me with I from We, a derivative can be fatally dangerous, even for the life of a German industrialist.

A Shaman might cure cancer and never be able to speak of it, the speaker is not the Shamen

System Administrator - 2024-07-20 19:42 - (0 Reads)

In my view Findhorne is the best example of the failure of persona bound structures as they had the experience and the best will in the world as did Psychosynthesis when the Triphasic model proved the unpalatable truth amongst the sincerest of the English, suckled by the romantic Celts.

There is nothing as socially absurd as the anglophile Celt seen clearly as only Celts can see them. It is not mere coincidence that David Whyte gave the best corporate training to Boeing and they ended up where they are, ho polloi iStates and the communities they create with person bound self conceptions can no more adapt with the emergent knowledge flow in the present of one time forward lifetime than a land compass can be a reliable navigation tool at sea, with the stars.

Art And The Knowable Unnameable

System Administrator - 2024-07-20 16:45 - (0 Reads)

The talented artist no more than the western Shaman can language the symmetries and patterns of the knowable unnameable, revelling in the reflection from the hoi polloi reveals the holon from within.

There are dimensions and states of knowing available in a capable human Me~Mind that yield more by virtue of them being hinged upon a nothing from emptiness not 1.

Professional Knowledge Work and iSelfmentoring

System Administrator - 2024-07-14 03:26 - (0 Reads)

Inconsistency can be a wonderful and enlivening source of new understanding in the present of one time forward lifetime in a capable human Me~Mind in a professional knowledge role.

Working with weak will awareness and process management orientation is made practically possible by using present lived experiences of personal inconsistency in a professional knowledge role to upskill the relationship with inner critic personas using learnable applied superior cognitive processing.

It has been necessary to create a role the iSelfmentor in order to describe and outline iSelfmentoring as a foundational part in professional knowledge work involved with emergent knowledge processing.

The professional underpinning of the role is self authored using EmptiSelf conception and requires the application of ex nihilo null states of will awareness in the present that are in essence 'not over against' the manifestations in hoi polloi iStates that are bound to the I of We. The origin of the sign being used to self reflect is substantially significant during meaning making in the interdependent complex system involved in processing continuously emergent human knowledge in one time forward lifetime.

The Desire Dinamics scientific framing of the Mi~iMind emergent human knowledge processing solutions provides a traceable proof of a cogent structure for transforming energy into information and information into knowledge using wise understanding, which recognizes the need for the use of evanescent iStates to enable process management of emergent knowledge flow in the present.

Winning the wrong game is only wrong for those who can recognize the best game

System Administrator - 2024-07-11 17:31 - (0 Reads)

In a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime understanding how to know comes before knowing, knowing comes before understanding and belief is a follower in a capable human Me~Mind, living one time forward lifetime, willingly guided by emergent knowledge in the present.

Without the capacity to take control of understanding with reason the games available in the present of one time forward lifetime are overtly confined by infinities limited by personas using personal pronouns like I from the see of we, small men among small things. The ontology used for opening now in an evanescent iState binds me to a self conception derived from the sea of we in languages whose armies and navy's are never underfunded in a human Me~Mind, living in the first world.

The We Soaked I in the one of Me

System Administrator - 2024-07-10 10:50 - (0 Reads)

What is this we from which my personal iStates arise, the externally defined group within which this I in me was infused with attitudes and intentions about they and me.

The we that became they say, the we that became us and them, with and without flags and banners.

The conflation of the personal I that comes from We is other dependent, by virtue of the linear system which begets it with passionate sincerity, These easily observed systemic structures create deontic implications for the synergistic use of the understanding that can flow from a sentient sapient creature such as a human being. The use of the pronoun I in natural language is the abstraction that hobbles self conception derived using natural language to self reference. Issues like self esteem, pride and shame arise in private responses to innate talents and dispositions that cause responses in others.

observations applies to all

Social Holon A Merciless Ceiling In Me

System Administrator - 2024-07-07 09:43 - (0 Reads)

Whether one is an Uxbridge graduate who is an English white male who has gone to Eaton like his father or a mixed race female from a socially deprived background the self limiting is systemically embedded in self conception.

The cave like social cages that encase the human pronoun I derived from We are bounded by self limiting infinites that obscure manifold awareness in an interdependent human Me~Mind and resist emergent knowledge flows that seek to disabuse erroneous sunken values. Speaking Latin, Greek, Cockney, Pollari or English the names of the shadows in a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime are linear at birth and brittle by nature.

Me In A Sea Of We

System Administrator - 2024-07-06 09:22 - (0 Reads)

In a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime the naming can be observed as coming from the outside in and the being can be known from the insie out, orientation in the interdependent ontology of a sapient being in one time forward lifetime is time and space dendent before the naming begins.

Identity that comes from the outside in is stretched over time by a narritve that is dependent upon sunken values that no longer hold, such as I did like Marmite when I was a child not now. The faithful amongst us sincerely promise in plausable narritives to love for the whole of our lives before becoming life long enemies.

Mi~iWitness Finding the smartest "I" in Me~Mind

System Administrator - 2024-07-05 10:01 - (0 Reads)

Like any quest for a desired outcome, in one time forward lifetime, the orientation at the start of the quest will guide the first step and the quality of the first step will determine if what is desired can be achieved. A simple example of what cannot ever be had is the 1950's as the delusions were naive about the shallowness of their nature beyond the spaces where the limits were obvious and revealed as impervious to unwise awareness. The meaningless of life seemed to create some absurd assertion that life would be revealed to the systemically freed individual whose differences were over against something that is or was the case usurping meaning inadvertently.
The quality of the first step in one time forward lifetime is self limited when it begins in a hoi polloi iState.

Imposter Syndrome Value Prop

System Administrator - 2024-07-04 10:32 - (0 Reads)

Choose a professional knowledge role, make it a customer of your Mi~iMind and start to remove the fear and pain of finding oneself in error, in local customs or theoretical knowledge, using the Mi~iWitness processing methods

  • Turn error discovery into enlivening affirmation of the will to know now.
  • Eradicate self esteem issues with deeper understanding for better performance processing emergent knowledge

Mi~iMind and Threshold Management

System Administrator - 2024-07-04 08:09 - (0 Reads)

There is a story that was told to me by a fisherman about how because he had been coastal fishing since he was 8 years old with his father he could tell before any electronic equipment at the time when the tide was changing by being on the water and seeing the flow near his local village, the insight took sensitivity skill and experience to develop and so it is with weak will awareness.

The success of the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions hinges upon weak will awareness which contrary to our strong will awareness which shows up in our passionate commitments to dispositions in the present it takes skill to notice.

EmptiSelf Conception, mothering the present from chaos

System Administrator - 2024-06-30 07:26 - (0 Reads)

Infinitely inclusive the EmptiSelf conception uses the middle way, 2 truths self conception from mind only Buddhism and complexity science to understand and map ex nihilo iStates from the inside out, this amounts to mapping from the territory of a human Me~Mind into a present evanescent iState.

Mapping from the inside out is mapping from the territory into the present

Financially Rich People Are Poor People With Money

System Administrator - 2024-06-22 11:48 - (0 Reads)

Billionares are financially rich people and the average among those people with money is coraled in the 80%, the 20% is always the place where the far from equilibrium solutions arise.

Money does not make you dumber or smarter than you ever were, it simply gives you the oppertunity to show yourself the shallowness of the satisfaction that comes from aquiring objects of desire.

they are not another species. If you come from groups of poor people and you imagine that if all your poor friends became financially wealthy they would somehow be different to what people with money are like now then you are mistaken. The 20% are always the 20% in each social group, however deliniated.

Weak Will Skill, evanescent iStates and threshold management

System Administrator - 2024-06-21 12:53 - (0 Reads)

The thrill of weak will skill is particular, it can be accompanied by a visceral experience of light relief, disproportionate from concurrent depth relief. Many of us know what it feels like to forgive a type of letting go so subtle it is sometimes equated to God's grace by Theists. Understanding enabled by EmptiSelf conception has been compared to the enabling forgiveness at will. The effects of this awareness can over time reduce the need for effort when letting go of erroneous sunken values making it fun to abjure passionate delusions.

Sometimes we can not realize how something has been clinging to our mind from moment to moment until it is gone and we have an experience of increased awareness in some manifold dimensions, the somatic releases that occur do not speak English.

Stripping the I Pronoun, Evanescent iStates the ablative iState in a human Me~Mind

System Administrator - 2024-06-15 12:30 - (0 Reads)

The use of evanescent time bound iStates of awareness provides the potential for infinitely open space in the present of one time forward human lifetime in a capable human Me~Mind, using the Mi~iMind emergent human knowledge processing solutions.

The imputed ontology in a hoi polloi bound iState conflates feelings with meanings and beliefs compiled using sunken values from linear hierarchies bound in imaginative narratives using self limiting infinities as cornerstones of psychological equilibrium, even in a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime.

There is no way to not see and exit the narrative of the symbolism of the bound shadows articulated in the analogy of Platos cave, or the myth of the given or the birth that was the death of him or the my end in my beginning in poetry, the entanglement entails the present processing in misconceptions supported by somatically entailed emotional networks that parade belief as knowledge and tradition as proof.

What is left if there was nothing there to begin with, Process Purposes

System Administrator - 2024-06-13 16:57 - (0 Reads)

Moving from why to how is facilitated by the use of process purposes and synergistically eschews persona bound narratives that bind us to subject object desires.

Using the Positive Present Participation orientation method which enables the use of ideal attitudes with knowable iRoles, specifically professional knowledge work roles effortlessly integrates the inner critic with the Mi~iWitness role.

Imposter Syndrome, which is common among reflective intelects can be eradicated from compulsive behaviour during professional recollective reasoning.

Understanding Why Life Is Not Fair

System Administrator - 2024-06-10 19:56 - (0 Reads)

What is the earliest memory of life being unfair for people who had caring parents, in my memory it is being in bed in the light of a summer evening with the window open when I could hear the older children playing in the late evening.

Fairness is intersubjective agreement about what is reasonably acceptable to an us that is our current U group, a group of like minded children or adults. Our feelings about what is fair is a partisan attachment to our teams participants and the passion we capture with a seemingly gentle aspirations for fairness belies the hidden dangers in our biased ideas of fairness.

Identified Power Is Spent Power

System Administrator - 2024-06-10 18:14 - (0 Reads)

The spending of power is wanton when it is bound to subject object desires derived using hoi polloi iStates, there are aristocratic views in holons bound to hoi polloi iStates, aristocratic views that are self limited.

In the 1960's a movie called If was released two years earlier than a Clock work Orange and Last Tango in Paris, it illustrates the shallowness of the deepest middle class revolution in the England of the day.

There is a strange reality for each generation you can only play against your best rivals and the profundity of Modernity had been caught in the sludge of the English middle classes fighting the conventions they could see, the public school because the Public school was the imaginary apotheosis of the Whig culture where the best of the present was always assumed to have been brought about by the mannerly and polite amongst accepted society.

The marketing of the upper classes reached its peak amongst the Ethonians of the 1980's the Boris Johnson's and the David Cameron's, who imagined they were the gilded chosen as the sharpest minds rasped enormous wealth in a banking system that had been left in the hands of the naturally entitled Etoniens who needed as second sons of friends of friends to make money in the city as the foreign flows had dried up industry was dead and cock tales were the only tales to take to Polo.

Identity From The 20% In A Human Me~Mind

System Administrator - 2024-06-08 13:45 - (0 Reads)

iSelfMentoring is the professional iRole that is being encouraged, enlivened and enabled using the Mi~iWitnsess recollective reasoning with wise awareness of will in the present iState. This professional iRole is hinged upon a pathways authorized from the inside out.
Beginning from an empty space beyond normative identity in the present of embodied human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime may be aware of symmetries that are made locally functional by hoi polloi iStates in a reductive form that serves holon bound subject object formed desires.

To begin to navigate identity it is necessary to identify a cogent form of orientation, which is a simple now, which can give reliable ground up information necessary and to hinge threshold management in one time forward lifetime

for a dynamic understanding of a human Me~Mind living using evanescent iStates of awareness in relationship with locally lived experience.

The Drama Of Being Middle Class - Psychoanalysis makes it real

System Administrator - 2024-06-06 07:38 - (0 Reads)

If we want to capture the effects of Psychoanalysis upon everyday life we might consider how big pharma now use newly named Psychiatric illnesses to target new formulations of the same old drugs as if for new mental diseases.

To understand the hidden industrialization of Psychoanalysis it might be helpful to take a step back and consider headache tablets. When Nurophene a popular pain relief medication wanted to release a new version of Nurophene at a particual market group they were prevented from doing so by the FDA the controlling body for medicine in the U.S.A. , which during periods when big pharma were investing enormous amounts in finding new medicine amounted to

Parents Bound To Local Hoi Polloi Holons

System Administrator - 2024-06-06 05:23 - (0 Reads)

Since the 19th Century when Queen Victoria reigned in England the highest holon bound U society has needed to survive the the gradual death through penury of the bloodlines of aristocratic. New admissions of trading families to U society were bound to middle class conventional behaviour with mannerly conventions that could be perfected by young women at finishing schools where they could be groomed as suitable wives and mothers for the tailed schoolboys of the moneyed classes by aristocrats fallen upon hard times. The heredity superiority in society that was previously been blood based became bound to money and training and stood in relationship with social revolution in France and Russia.

pollite mannerly conventions, the space between working classes and middle classes has been moated using manners that were a a In first world society the

The social bindings are internalized and subtle when the bindings are made from polite customs that maintain the illusion of superiority among the mannerly middle classes whose U and non U groups are formed using knife and fork customs as imprimatur. There is a reason why the mannerly spy from Cambridge was invisible in the English U society just as the reprobate behaviour of Boris Johnson is tolerated and continues to be accepted by his set, while the use of split infinitives os frowned upon. The glad handing of serial adulterous men and women now so prevalent the socially connected are seldom if ever in more than 2 degrees of separation and loyalty has become a willingness to protect the philantorer in our U group protected from the truth.

The Freedom In Me, Mi~iMind and Mi~iWitness

System Administrator - 2024-06-05 08:22 - (0 Reads)

The possibilities of how to open the present in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime are freed from self limiting restricted infinities through the use of EmptiSelf conception tried and tested over millennia while actively actively beginning from understanding beyond self esteem, fear, pride, shame and romantic love.

To be as smart as we can be it is necessary to create a space in the present where we are willing to know and knowing is only the opening of new understanding which involves application within process purposes, in one embodied time forward lifetime.

To be able to use the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions it is necessary to remove the pain of error discovery and convert the experience of failure into an enlivening discovery that guides the willing to know now iState that is willing to follow the knowledge.

The Journey To The Present In A Capable Human Me~Mind

System Administrator - 2024-06-04 06:52 - (0 Reads)

Orientation in one time forward human lifetime is hinged in the present in time forward.

In a human Me~Mind living in time forward knowledge emerges through the present using data information knowledge and understanding. Understanding in a capable human Me~Mind depends upon knowledge of the implications of time forward upon the incomplete nature of what can be known in the present of extant theories from the past, with sunken values.

The wilful emotional attachment we humans have to sunken values, when using persona bound self conceptions, is so strong we actively distort our horizons of vision using shallow cognitive dissonance that actively refutes upstream and downstream inferences that flow from emergent knowledge in the midst of a capable Me~Mind.

The journey to the present cannot trace back through wilful ignorance in the extant narrative of a personal I that uses cognitive dissonance to conform within a linguistically bound normative system such as those that emerge from an ancient oral history, in a dynamic complex system.

Uniquely we can refer to a space within us that has been called A Strange Loop, where names cannot survive and numbers appear as patterns and symmetries. We can reasonably assume that within this strange loop is the wisdom of eons a history of our origins not limited by names or species form and this is the space that we may consider our Buddha nature although we may only know it by the effects in the present of our willed states as over against no contingent thing.

Capable Me~Mind, discovering the silver in the grey matter, within a human Me~Mind

System Administrator - 2024-06-02 10:39 - (0 Reads)

A mind capable of working with EmptiSelf conception can turn the grey to silver in the present of one time forward lifetime.

The Berkley Scholar in Dublin, David Bermann shivered my spine when I asked him in early summer under the Cherry blossoms on privileged Quads why is Philosophy not being taught to everyone, he simply said, you have to have the grey matter and my visceral response belied my experience of my idealization of equality meeting disabuse in a lived experience of yuck. Of course he was simply pointing to where to look and find what can process knowledge and what cannot and the skills needed to process knowledge require the capacity and willingness to apply boolean logic even before the mind knows what boolean logic refers to and most of all the skill and capacity to modify the patterns in the grey matter until light made the space silver to look at and empty of permanent sunken values in a mathematical form.

From Why To How, some how's work from the inside out

System Administrator - 2024-06-01 12:29 - (0 Reads)

Moving our ideal attitude paradigm from why to how serves to facilitate process purposes which orientated awareness that can calibrate and manage iterative development of ever better present iStates in professional knowledge roles.

There is a common mantra among sports and performance coaches that invites us to focus upon what we can control and while hoi polloi iStates are largely beyond our control the use of evanescent ex nihilo iStates gives us the capacity to control the present within which our present iStates arise.

The challenges are both sentient and sapient and for that reason we need to understand and accept that passionate local emotional resistance within our dispositions will occur naturally as familiar sunken values that may be cornerstones of self conception are debunked by the currently emergent knowledge flow. The only certainty is the dynamic structure of understanding is always subject to currently emergent knowledge.
The evanescent iState enables the change agent to be the space provided by ex nihilo iStates in the present for a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime using EmptiSelf conception.

Identity And Personal Neurosis With Suffering, releasing the gordian knot

System Administrator - 2024-05-30 09:50 - (0 Reads)

The gossamer layered web that weaves the sentient sapient stormy story in a embodied capable interdepend human Me~Mind is extant within each of us before we begin and cannot be undone while living one time forward lifetime. Language and the stories of Me~Mind that Mi~iMind carries around everyday are bound to a simple arithmetic, and sunken values from previous villages with the best of intentions and most absurd conceptions bound to human exceptionalism that imagined itself as an intention of a Universe in a dynamic complexity. The mystery is not in the why it is in the how and we have new ways to view if we use the present and arise into it directly from our strange loop with a willing to know null state that is not over against the contingent arising as phantoms.
tey knowwith which it is not possible to create the calculus needed to ask not why but how now.

Whatever we are it seems like a simple sine qua non to understand that we need iStates of awareness that are willing to know now as the emergent human knowledge is continuously arising in the present of one time forward lifetime. The local location of now as the space where the opprertunities to understand more provide the first coordinates required for orientation and equilibrium in the complexity of a dynamic time forward lifetime. The use of far from equilibrium solutions is enabled by the synergies created through the synthetic interplay of sentience and sapience enabled by a new null state arising from the inside out boarn upon empty paving stones

presenting the oppertunity for another piece
what we are is hinged upon our capacity

The use of cognitive dissonance and imaginative invisible sealing of understanding using feelings as meanings is revealed as systemically bond to error simply by posing the question for whom for what always keeping in mind that caring is not a value without a purpose and objects of desire are anaphorically bound to subjects

Every Deontic Error Helps

System Administrator - 2024-05-28 19:33 - (0 Reads)

Enlivening error discovery is like finding the ore that is the goal that fires the will to return again and again to the process that reveals the gem in the process of mining the emergent human knowledge for new information and new understanding...........

Pain Free Disabuse

System Administrator - 2024-05-28 15:28 - (0 Reads)

For Hoi Polloi iStates the idea that finding an error in something that the I in me thought I got right, would inspire enthusiasm in my inner critic, is as challenging as the idea of an authentic Doubtless Self would seem to the Imposter I in me that can sometimes be.

While the relief from the pain of pride and shame may seem like an inspiration it is really only the removal of something that was never there to begin with, like a flat earth conception of the inhabited world which a few humans were born and died believing. In a flattened world 3 dimensions is creative genius, in a multiverse it takes a bit less with manifold infinities.

To convert the energy flow in an embodied human mind living one time forward lifetime in a capable human Me~Mind the sentient and the sapient information needs to be wisely processed in the present. Educated children may have more tools with profound potential however without the capacity to enter the present from the inside out life will be limited to the two infinities binding the number theory that underpins language, its recurring antynomy presenting the fact of the incapacity of the system to manage self reflection in an embodied interdepent capable human mind.

Levelling Up Using Hoi Polloi iStates, is systemically horizon bound from the start

System Administrator - 2024-05-27 11:41 - (0 Reads)

When addressing an issue in a complex system where iterative improvement is the goal the end is in the beginning as a matter of fact not simply as a matter of poetic license.

When we use Hoi Polloi iStates as imprimatur for status we are binding ourselves in an entailed way to the limitation of the semantics of normative culture and the syntactic limitations of the natural narrative language.

The five step levelling up excercise from the 1990's can help illustrate how these two systemic issues curtail the potential for new understanding caused by entailed binding.

Bound Horizons In Hoi Polloi iStates

System Administrator - 2024-05-27 11:29 - (0 Reads)

Hoi Polloi iStates as used with the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions are bound by norms from some group We, using a Holon orientation with emotional sunken values.

The Boys Are Back In Town a well known anthem for comradery among affiliated males was a song by a Black Irishman, without a home group that could reflect his own image back to him among his contemporaries, a man who abandoned his own son to the Irish Nuns for export, a generation after Frank McCourt a contemporary of his mother Phyllys whose life like my own mother's was made .

for whom the boys were as parochial as any other group of Irish lads before the Boomtown Rats.

Pointless Rumination In A Duality Is Depressing

System Administrator - 2024-05-26 12:19 - (0 Reads)

The processing of the pursuit of understanding using Holon bound Hoi Polloi iStates is systemically doomed in an analgous way to hunting the snark.

Human will bound to subject object identifications in one time forward lifetime is bound to insatiable objects of desire.

2 Evanescent iState Types Make It Simple To Manage Present Awareness

System Administrator - 2024-05-24 16:37 - (0 Reads)

The interdependence of form and emptiness energetically can be viewed as analogous of wave and particle interdependence, as embodied human consciousness living one time forward lifetime we can experience a knowable unnameable that is in organic and symmetrical beyond and before our self conceptions as persona bound derivatives.

The Shallowness Of Depth Psychology

System Administrator - 2024-05-21 12:21 - (0 Reads)

In the 19th Century when Psychoanalysis was being developed as an idea by Sigmund Freud the use of personal identity as a model for a human individual was underpinned by societal beliefs in notions of soul in Judeo Christian societies notions that provided a species dependent connection with profundity, divinity and entitlement.

While Frederic Nietzsche's attacks upon religion and the everyday human identity resolved in ideas of the death of God and the notion of a male human übermensch the inherent binding to the myth of the given persisted beneath the establishment furore. The nihilism of modernity wallowed in a profound sadness during and after world war 1 when western society lamented the loss of human exceptionalism although like the flat earth it was never there to begin with. The search for control of mass behaviour by business dedicated to economic profit drove the development of Psychology in the form of behaviourism used as a function of advertising. The harnessing of the emotional underpinnings of individual identity with wholesome consumerism melded caring and success by making the pursuit of wealth a proof of commitment to family and a white bearded Santa Claus in red was born to create a compulsion to purchase kitsch as ostensible proof of familial success.

abided as what would later be seen clearly as perpetuating the myth of the given within his christicism The scientific unravelling of this thesis can be viewed as beginning with Gotleab Frege's new logic and the binding of natural language to the arithmatic of number theory which immediatly made obvious an antynomy that denied the language used as reasonable when self referencing a cornerstone ot the newly emerging talking therapies. The vested interests in the businesses of therapy and behaviourism in advertising obscured the flaws as vast numbers of businesses and individual bought into Psychology as a functional tool with economic society. Creating creatures willing to buy and work for objects of mind that are subject ojbject dependent is very profitiable and strangely dependent upon a shallow understanding of self conception.

The development of what is called depth psychology during the five phases of western phychological development papered over the systemic errors and has emerged through the new age movement as a hydraheaded beast that insists upon the creation of imputed new notions that fail scientifically and practically to solve the problems they were designed to solve. The use of the notion of the false self which was made popular in the 1970's using British objectivism provides an example of the thinist of papering, when it was suggeste a false self protects a true self and many psychotherapists for years used this notion to underpin the profundity that mysteriously supported their public facing shingle to the neurotically disturbed.

The Origins Of My Identity, entailed in the ineluctable naming cave

System Administrator - 2024-05-19 06:13 - (0 Reads)

In every first world Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime the personal pronoun I is a derivative using normative notions of identity from our individual villages of origin and our current in group with whom we intersubjectively conceptualize U and Non-U iStates.
Allegorically the fashionable I at 14 is unfashionable at 24, which in turn is unfashionable at 34, providing for each of us an internal exposure to our experiences in the present of evanescent iStates, temporaly bound to our embodied human Me~Mind.

If we consider ourselves as writers, post graduate deans, poets, mathematicians, philosophers, politicians, astrounats, performers, teachers, sports stars, pop stars or or non binary bin men the I in me came from the previously entailed we from our Juedeo Christian origins with Atheists in a holon.

If we do not have time to study anthropology we can make some simple observations of the encaged rich and famous to find the limits of the I in an embodied human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime, with loot and public images as celebrity. Look at Elon Musk, Geff Bazos, Donald Trump or even Taylor Swift and their ilk to see how much freedom the I, identity in a Me gets from inexhastive financial wealth and how much comes from the the We that was here before their Me. The shallowness of the aspirations the arise from childhood fantasy are heralded as profound insights by the men who are prisoners of their home town narrowed perspectives while the beuty known in the symmetry of Taylor Swifts artistic work is made extant in relationship with a world that elects Donald Trump.

We are so alienated by our language that to say Me evokes internal shame and social cancelling by people who think they care about all of humanity yet is it not in a Me~Mind that true love may be found when all our I pronouns yield to space not occupied by I in me.

The cruelist criminals have found their I can yield for a child of their own in their embodied Me~Mind, while knowing full well that such yielding in their everyday life could leave their child without a parent.

Our socially produced identities have sharp corners and straight lines our Me~Mind that has the capacity for loving receptiveness has no straight lines in its embodied form.

To Be The Light, in a human Me~Mind is timeless,

System Administrator - 2024-05-18 12:25 - (0 Reads)

From the self limiting viewpoint of a persona bound identification the light shining through the body of a deceased Buddhist monk might seem divine, mysteriously intriguing suggestive of species superiority. Strangely enough the creatures who do this when they are alive are less concerned with their likeness to a narritive concerning a God that isolates them from their environment, their biolumenescents is part of their environmental survival kit during life.

Our human relationship with light is reduced to self limiting absurdity when we refract it through a personal prism, it is not possible to gather the refracted light and return through the prisim as refraction reduces our capacities to light speeds that cannot travel backwards in time, the diamond mind is only available on one side of the prism we see and that is the side where there are no sides, the strange loop from which the present emerges.

Competing And Winning In The Wrong Game

System Administrator - 2024-05-12 07:59 - (0 Reads)

Winning the wrong game in one time forward lifetime is a fate that only befalls those who can, knowing the form of the wrong games is an advantage for those who can, those who cannot are naturally playing the I can game without regard for anything but status conferred by imprimatur from those who can and those who can give the imprimatur are not looking for any other game as their status is self evident where they are.

Albert Einstein persisted in believing that .......... until he died despite sound arguments that contradicted his poisiton although prior to an extant proof that came some years later that underpinned the soundness of the argument against his beliefs.
Professional knowledge work whether concerned with pseudo science or real science can cause the participants to hold on to a sunken value beyond its sell by date, even the renowned English mathematician Herbert became attactched to sets in a a way that set his mind in opposition to the emergent knowledge of the time.

Like an oil painter part of the skill is stopping and waiting for the work already laired into the work to emerge through a crepescular surface in the present of the last strokes and sometimes that takes years

Increasing The Capacity To Manage Disabuse In Professional Knowledge Work

System Administrator - 2024-05-11 10:33 - (0 Reads)

The obfuscation of emergent knowledge can be aided by ignorance of the correct methods for examining arguments, psychological repression and suppression and an infinite variety of the misconceptions imaginatively woven into the local story of the Me~Mind.

The paradigm shift to EmptiSelf conception used in the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions is noteable for enabling various new capacities however one of the subtlest and most important is the capacity not to be over against what arises specifically in hoi polloi iStates of mind.

During disabuse using socially normalized self conceptions we encounter a recurring 'I should not' in response to thoughts, feelings and will in all forms arising, whereas when using clear core iStates there is only the concern with seeing faulty logic, errors in predicates and sunken values as positively correctives that enliven management of the positive present participation function that is the goal and the path of the continuously new understanding of emergent knowledge flow.

The I-Trap in a capable human Me~Mind

System Administrator - 2024-05-10 14:42 - (0 Reads)

We is the space in our villages of origin from which our I pronoun arises in our private capable Me~Mind before gender or sex or name.

Understanding how our personal pronoun I embeds an ontology with a culturally imputed, essentially absurdly obscure, self conception in our mind in a tragic comedy that we call life in a society of Memes affirms the inescaple nature of a neurosis caused by the limiting of self conception in this one time forward lifetime using
present limiting linear hierarchies as sunken value filters for perception in the present of one time forward lifetime.

The I inWe and the iState in Me

System Administrator - 2024-05-09 05:20 - (0 Reads)

The personal pronoun I is derived using the we of the village of origin, the we that is the home of the embodied Me. One immediate consequence of this is the notion that references to Me are seeded in theories of isolation incuding selfishness.

The I that cannot joyously participate in local social customs is considered abbarent even if the community is actively violent and murderous in its relationships with out groups such as other religious or political groups not considered we. The active subjection of females to seconary consideration has traditionally been embedded in overt and covert ways within society, education and business affairs. Females may be made to incubate and yield the fruits of violent rape by male pillars of society even in the most advanced countries in the world because it is considered the word of a God who confirms our human exceptionalism as divine beyond the nature of earthly creatures.

The personal I is embedded in the Me~Mind as the flagship of my life on earth amongst the We with a history before my embodied mind started living this one time forward lifetime.

Not OK Too!

System Administrator - 2024-05-08 07:51 - (0 Reads)

Counsellors and Theripists will have come across the term 'That's ok too!, widely used as a response to a patient in therapy expressing a neurotic flash of anger, grief or ecstasy et al as a disproportionate response to a stimuli usually another human being of behaviour of other human beings.

During my training in Psychosythesis this came up as a phrase and my reaction was no that is not ok too in response to a story about some abusive behaviour. The course director was correct to note that I was not suitable to train as a Therapist since aligning my empathy with nonsense statements was not something I could do with ease. Whether it was my brief stint as an analytic philosophy undergraduate, my thinking orientated personal disposition, my mistreatment by the Nuns from the Nuns of the catholic church, some of whom were in the room or some combination of all of these was never clear however the skilful way the course director explained to me why I was not suitable was salutory.

Understanding Present Vision in professional knowledge work

System Administrator - 2024-05-06 03:13 - (0 Reads)

It seems uncontroversial to say that the obfuscation of available knowledge caused by cognitive dissonace maintains a sense of consitency in the perceptions of the individuals within a group using a dominent logic and bad reasoning.

An observation that reveals the complexity beyond the complications caused by inconsistent syntax and fuzzy semantics, is that the situation where the each individual within the group is maintaining a different consistency and that becomes visible as in a situation where we observe individuals who present as loving each other and we see circumstance where one loves more than the other, illustrating that our most intimate self conceptions carried in the 'I love you' declaration can be inivisible unrooted from common ground.

Cogently Diverse Solutions

System Administrator - 2024-05-02 08:29 - (0 Reads)

The persistent distortion of energetically borne information in the continuously emergent knowledge flow in the present of a human Me~Mind living one embodied time forward lifetime can be actively mitigated using simple ground up feedback loops in flattened hierarchies using process management of process improvements.

What can emerge in a human Me~Mind is systemically hobbled if the system for self reflection in the present blindly applies the myth of the given and encourages emotional attachement to errors that will be revealed during the emergence, our concern here is how to open the present in a way that enables infinite inclusion of manifold infinities, some of which may be known yet unnameable. We are more concerned with the how in a complex system rather than the why as the goal is positive present participation using emergent human knowledge flows.

in an embodied human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime can be traced to a diversity of causes which can be biological, chemical, physiological can be caused by perceptions of somatic, emotional and cognitive confusion, identifying an obstruction to understanding in these contexts provides epiphenomenal structures

Keep It Simple for flattened hierarchies and instant recognition

System Administrator - 2024-04-29 08:18 - (0 Reads)

When we human's use the term 'keep it simple' we tend to be already dealing with a subject that is complicated or complex, when the concept of simple is used here, it is used to relate to ground up simplicity, which from a natural language perspective is meant like simple arithmetic, where 1+1=2.

Number theory is taken to underpin the syntax and natural limitations in the natural language we use in therapy, criticism and description. The issues arise as upstream and downstream consequences for superior processing, which at a linguistic level can only do what language can do and cannot do what language cannot do, which includes synthesising calculus in with temporal logic, without a new vocabulary.

The difference in the systemic treatment of human feelings can be used to highlight one of a myriad of the real challenges the professional user of EmptiSelf conception. The paradigm shift encounters when learning how to open the present ontology from emptiness in a human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime , it might be valuable to illustrate the impact of this difference by emphasising how human feelings are deemed to be meaningless beyond being indicators of the present emotional response to lived experiences. Feelings are essentially treated meaningless without the context often provided by somatic and/or emotional narratives.

To arise from emptiness in a coherent complex system may well seem like a mystery when looked at through the lenses of the persona with a culturally entailed self conception, a tumescent ontology for the army and navy used for self reflection or it can be a simple dependent far from equilibrium solution enabled by effortlessness.

Simple then involves not thinking that a natural language can self reference without hidden errors and therefore is not ideal for self referencing in an embodied capable human Me~Mind, living one time forward lifetime.

Simple then involves understanding that feelings are experienced along a spectrum of good, bad and indifferent in the present they may not carry meaning, without context.

Using a flattened hierarchy like this enables systemic avoidance of error and frees meanings of imputed myths of the given.

The management and development of these flattened hierarchies is carried out by an ideal iState in the form of Mi~iWitness a combination of our inner critic with clarity of purpose and the wisdom of old.

iStates and the We in Me

System Administrator - 2024-04-27 04:44 - (0 Reads)

To practically enable a traceable dialectic within a a capable human Me~Mind the Mi~iMind emergent human knowledge processing solutions outlined here systemically creates two distinct types of evanescent iState, which we may be aware of inhabiting at different present moments in one time forward lifetime.

The hoi polloi iState which arise within our interdependent embodied Me~Mind can be broadly taken to be made of derivitives, even when iconoclastic, of our current local village and our family of origin, an ontology with an imputed local history of norms of good and bad, pride and shame. Our evanescent hoi polloi iState which represents our everyday iStates which are deemed to exist as identified by willing in the present in relationship with these internalized norms.

Facts Of The Matter

System Administrator - 2024-04-26 09:22 - (0 Reads)

Facts survive human ignorance indifferent to the delusions that our natural human ignorances enables.

Our world is not and never was flat although human beings sincerely can believe the world to be flat, proving human beings can be indifferent to the truth.

A human being as an entity of coherence arising in iStates of awareness in a dynamic energetic embodiment could never be encapsulated fully in a talking therapy as the lingua franca is omega incomplete, always has been and always will be, even before we understood this scientifically.

In a human Me~Mind we have the capacity to suffer from the disabuse of our beliefs by emergent facts although we are essentially missing what never was, illustrating a strata of emotional belief that is rooted in a self made significence and a sometimes somatically trama echoed in emotionally substantia self conception, which supports the conflation of feelings with meanings, meanings that were never more than a wripple in a present in one time forward lifetime. These meaings come and go small ones like when I was a child I loved Bon Bons not any more, when I was younger I loved a hetrosexual partner, not any more. It is not the fault of feelings that they cannot carry the meanings imputed by a persoana bound self conception.
uses self esteem values.

The capacity to willingly know in the present is not possible using lingua franca persona bound self conceptions and the capacity to willingly witness the actual suffering in a present we all experience in hoi polloi iStates in the inescapably myth of the given tainted ontology is unbearable.