When fight, flight, freeze responses are triggered our capacity to process data, information and knowledge is self limited by individual somatic responses.

We have everyday examples of people feeling real hurt because they are not encouraged to use a name they want to use in society for their identity and if we think about the issue of phantasy we can easilly imagine the some others may imagine that their own inner identity is threatened by the use of the new names. Some hetro sexual married couples imagine the institution of their own marriage is threatened and undermined by allowing a wider gender recognition. Bishops call for the arrest of a Pope who wants to offer sanctification to the union between people who identify other than hetrosexual.

The phenomina of internalized naming commits the self identity to states of mind that may not survive the natural deontic disabuse caused by emergent knowledge.

The issue is not that these states of mind can be combated by arugument alone as the root of the pain is in the misconception caused by a conflated self conception, when it is fused with a naming convention bounded by time on earth.