
New iSight Now, in professional knowledge processing roles 

AI ready, New emergent human knowledge processing solutions in search of use cases in right livelihood

When Jesus was speaking out for his executioner's he reportedly invited God the father to forgive them because they did not know what they were doing and he understood that because he had been amongst them, it seems when understanding leads human forgiveness is a by-product.

When we understand the systemically self limiting nature of the of a self conception created using linear hierarchies and how tying that to passionate attachments to oral sunken values while imaginatively conflating feelings with meanings because we imagine ourselves as a species exceptional even when we fail to use reason to guide our judgements. Do we forgive the world for not being flat do we forgive ourselves for not being I

It is really no different than finding out the world is not flat. When we accept that knowledge emerges in lived experience in the present of one time forward lifetime for capable embodied interdependent human Me~Mind the present reveals itself as a hinge distinct from the past, when we thought we could use Ptolemy's map of the heavens.

can cause confusion when processing emergent knowledge flows in the present of one time forward lifetime

objectification of our desires

a self conception derived from Hoi Polloi iStates in the form subject object

In a world of identified attention in the present of one time forward lifetime the power to follow the emergent knowledge flow depends upon a null state from the 20% not the 80%. A mind that can knows the 80% as self limiting from experience, bound in every beginning of now within imputed self conception born of intuition without mathematics or the capacity to include manifold infinities beyond the number theory bound natural language of English in English men.

If we are willing to use reason with knowledge as guides to understanding then we need to take responsibility for being willing to know now. When our self conception is socially co dependent we smile when we don't mean it to get by however in a role as a professional emergent knowledge processor, facilitator or teacher deception is corruption of the ground up feedback loop needed to make process management of iteratively better evanescent iStates of present awareness possible.

Habitually patterned individual and group identities derived using hoi polloi iStates clustered around norms in a bell curve passionately imagine themselves as the U group, whether lawyers or criminals, Priests or paedophiles Omertà is the common ground. Education and leadership training is institutionally not suited to enabling servant leadership and if servant leadership is to have a chance it must come from the inside out and be facilitated by the capacity to clearly self reflect and accept errors as enlivening.

Businesses and regulators are actively corrupting and polluting emergent knowledge flows in professional knowledge work. Whether it is business like Boeing or Roll Royce or Deutsch Bank, a Church of western or eastern origin or a monetized new age trend from the end of the last century or a psychoanalytic derivative the use of pre existing imprimatur to confer status and therefore power upon a U-Group such as in Psychosynthesis institutions has encouraged the active corruption of emergent knowledge. it is possible that Psychoanalysis could be the asbestos in the mind ceiling of persona identity.

Faster better understanding in one time forward lifetime depends upon willing clarity in the present, hoi polloi bound self conceptions resist, suppress and actively distort emergent knowledge to maintain an emotional experience of consistency during constant change in one time forward lifetime. In groups these individually generated self conceptions find refuge in dominant logics that encourage participation in group behaviours that involve overt oppression of non U groups. The Holon within which these social groups exist is downward looking, which restricts the infinities available for making sense of emergent knowledge flow.

Quests for self esteem to be owned by these hoi polloi iStates and pride follow while shame is avoided using cognitive dissonance that permits the use of bad arguments including ad homonym arguments, arguments from tradition, from popularity, from isolated individual experiences and more. These arguments may be consider polite or impolite depending upon the grouping however they are consistently bad arguments that do not go through.
Orientation in the present of a time forward context in an embodied interdependent the hunt for understanding what is needed to follow emergent knowledge flows in the present of one time forward lifetime is primary. As no human being can actively know everything even in a capable human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime will need to orientate with an EmptiSelf conception that can produce willing to know now evanescent iStates of awareness. The willing to know iStates of awareness need to understand that our recurring internalized hoi polloi bound iStates are systemically self limiting and cannot survive the disabuse that may wash away the sunken valued in their personal and village life including notions of good and bad.

Navigation for ever better understanding in the present of one time forward lifetime requires orientation and the orientation used here is hinged time forward. Time space in the present of lived experiences in evanescent iStates of awareness, is the individually

Managing the neurotic distortion, corruption, suppression and repression of knowledge flowing through human identity is the ground of Psychoanalysis just as the liberation of human beings from unnecessary suffering caused by wilful ignorance is a function of Buddhism, our concern here is with the creation of the capacity to follow emergent knowledge flows as near to the present as possible, in the role of professional knowledge work focused upon processing emergent knowledge flow from data, through information knowledge and understanding. Data can arise as wavelengths, information in natural language (talking socially and internally during self reflection) in the present of one time forward lifetime .

The paradigm shift required to move to an EmptiSelf conception that enables the discovery of the doubtless self is acknowledged as practice dependent while a mere intellectual understanding of the heart sutra is used here to seed the paradigm in the Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions.

There are real and tangible differences in the emergent knowledge processing potential for individuals and groups using a persona bound self conception derived using imprimatur from a U-Set such as University tenure, white anglo saxon males, surgeons, religious groups or politically aligned groups who use categorized linear structures such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs to bind desires of subject object contexts that cannot yield reliable current information in a life lived in time forward.

When insight flows through persona bound hoi polloi I sight, significant information is lost.
Creating willing to know now evanescent iStates begins with understanding EmptiSelf conception and how evanescent iStates of awareness can arise from within in the present ex nihilo in contrast to hoi polloi iStates that arise in the myth of the given a relationship with an imputed self conception bound to sunken values from the We of villages of origin and codependent U and Non-U groupings in downward looking social Holons.

Story bound pictures of life that impute the personal I in a capable embodied human me mind are naturally bound to storied sunken values that historically bent the flow of emergent knowledge with the force of self conception. The presence of human hypocrisy in everyday of our lives is indicative of the distance between the I of We and the I of me, a constant gap.

The will to now know is actively opposed by the omerta that cognitive dissonance in persona bound self conceptions facilitates in an individual human Me~Mind ready for use in the active suppression of knowledge within the U-Group defined in relationship with the Non-U group, this downward looking Holon binding is why Nazism does not go through as an argument whether it is polite or not.

living one time forward lifetime is the result of identity derived from the existing We Bell curve norms of U and Non-U groups of dominant logics with incomplete arguments. The I in me that comes from the local sea of We is proudly language bound from oral traditions that have been shown to make false assumptions about the earth and the Universe based upon imputed human exceptionalism. The logic that we used for two millenia was foundationally flawed for similar reasons. At the turn of the 20th century analytic philosophy fought passionately and vainly for logical positivism and sets only to yield with a whisper, mankind focused upon notions of God and the loss of God while the knowable unnameable was made extant by Kurt Godel and now meaning is floating in time space while AI is in its infancy. The view taken here is that AI will need to work with humans who are willing to know now.

of or When the "We" derived individual identities, parental identities, school identities, college identities, businesses identities and political identities all operate omerta systems the knowledge yield from the emergent knowledge flow is slowed, polluted and prevented, before we create the possible in the present. Our internalized self conceptions and our fear of community ridicule do more to pollute self conception and emergent knowledge flow than micro dosing can overcome.

These Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions require the active inclusion of the simple feedback loops from the evanescent iState of present awareness during lived experiences in iNow. Using some simple nested sets in flattened hierarchies shorn of recurring misconceptions, such as those that conflate feelings with meaning and self limiting dualities caused by natural language bound self reflection.

The force of reason uses logical truth as a proof to guide understanding and truth derived using mathematics and logic is here understood to be, indifferent to wilful human ignorance. For those of us who can understand and use EmptiSelf conception it will become clear that there is nothing to be over against, no hoi polloi iStates that can truly want to know as they cannot survive in time forward with emergent human knowledge, no hoi polloi iState that can love without object although they may willingly yield for love. We can witness our own hoi polloi iStates arise from within such as in the case of Schadenfreude a hoi polloi bound iState awareness that emerges from within and belies the shallowness of present reflections, our small mind among small things.

Mi~iMind emergent knowledge processing solutions can help knowledge processing professionals create, willing to know now evanescent iStates , in a capable embodied human Me~Minds within individuals, teams and groups.

Reason guided solutions for reducing the pain of disabuse caused by emergent knowledge flow in one time forward lifetime to facilitate faster effortless understanding in the present as a function of professional knowledge processing roles using Mi~iMind emergent knowledge solutions,

* Changing the change game.
* Opening My I's for the first time, now.
* Simply, making willing attention available now for ground up feedback.

This could hurt even existing knowledge work professionals habitually using emotionally attached identities, with high status names to self identify. If we begin believing we are the I from We then we are concept bound, without mathematics.
It is in the nature of the scorpion to sting as it is in the nature of the linguistically hide bound persona derived self conception to passively and actively pollute emergent knowledge flows in the present.

Using a provable antifragile, doubtless self conception, two distinct types of evanescent iStates are used to cogently manage recurring wilfully ignorant hoi polloi bound iStates and willing to know now evanescent iStates, using ideal attitudes and process purposes, compiled in active desire profiles.

  • Systematically self limiting wilfully ignorant Ego/I bound iStates with names and hoi polloi memes are narratively bound to sunken values from their individual villages of origin and the status conferring imprimatur of U and Non-U groupings in limited dominant logics bound to human exceptionalism Holons. e.g Elon Musk bound to boyhood hero stories from his village of origin.
  • Willing to know now evanescent iStates, free to understand anew and follow the emergent knowledge flow in the present of a capable embodied, interdependent human Me~Mind living one time forward lifetime. e.g. Alan Watts the English teacher.

Orientation For Better Understanding: Where does my I begin in a capable embodied human Me~Mind in the present of one time forward lifetime. Using present orientation can open new understanding locally even before the EmptiSelf conception is understood using the iNow tracing, in relationship with mothering the present as a process purpose, the womb of now needs to be open for new understanding in one time forward lifetime.
Solutions using mathematics, which can reliably orientate in the present of time forward can uncover hidden patterns in a capable human mind living one time forward lifetime. The pattern may sometimes be a knowable unnameable previously perceived as a non ordinary state. Natural language cannot self reference without error and therefore cannot yield a willingly inclusive self conception.